"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 38th Birthday Jeff

The kids worked very hard yesterday to get things ready for Jeff's Birthday.
We ate at LoneStar for supper.

Before we went to eat, Jeff came home to 3 excited little people.

Ella handed Daddy all the presents.  This was a new wallet.

This was tongs for cooking. ( His request, since we didn't have any)

On to the biggest present of all, and . .

and . . . (Garrett has decided to have a June birthday.  He thought this was the coolest thing)

A Basketball goal for Noni's pool.  Garrett is ready to put it together.  He thinks we should be swimming right now as I type and while Jeff is at work.  It is great to enjoy and play with someone else's present before they get to try it out.  HA!

Ella and Noni eating cake at our house

Happy Birthday Jeff
I love this time of year.  We are the same age, finally for 5 months.  Birthdays and ages are a big deal.  We tease each other all the time.

Showing Off

God loves to God off to us.  He goodness, power, and love.  The only problem is that we are too busy to notice.  I think that is what He means in scripture when He said, "Be still".  He knew that we were going to go, go, go.  When the children were swimming the other night, God showed off and I was being still.

I love sunsets.  Cameras never capture the true feeling or beauty of a sunset but taking a picture helps me remember where I was and what I was doing.  MEMORIES.

Sunrises and Sunsets are just powerful to me.  It happens twice a day, 365 days a year.  How many times do I stop and take note?  I just know it will happen.  Sunsets remind me that there is a heaven.  It looks so peaceful but yet power beyond my imagination. 

I don't see many sunrises so I need to stop and take notice of all the sunsets. 
Thank you God

Sunday Fun on Hot Days

My kids think that the sprinkler under the trampoline is the coolest thing. 

Ella is having her turn all by herself.  The trampoline gets very slippery so jumping one at a time is the best thing to do so no one gets hurts.

I have several things that I think are the sweetest things on earth.
1.  Daddies carrying their little girls or playing with them
2.  Little girls in PJ's
3.  Little girls in bathing suits 

Well God in his Goodness has given me a little girl that I can enjoy in her bathing suit.  I have always said this about little girls even when I didn't have one.  But now I get to enjoy this every summer with my own little bit of sweetness. 

How sweet is that caboose in that bathing suit. 
I just love summer.

Random pictures

Seth's invention with Magnetix.  This is him with a remote in his hand and headphones on.  This is what he looks like in the car.  I love when he just plays.  He is great at finding things to do.

Ella kept getting in mom's car the other night when they were here.  We took her picture because she was smashing her nose on the window.  It was driving papa crazy.  He loves a clean car.  My parents' vehicles are never dirty.  Dad washes car every week, by hand of course.

Saturday night, Garrett was gone so the little ones went swimming.  Ella was determined to slide like her big brother.  It took alot of nerves but finally she did it.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 - She did it all by herself - Gotta love the goggles

This is our silly dog who loves to be outside with us.  She is also the dog that just ate a bar of soap (not the first time) Monday night and greeted me yesterday morning by throwing up the bar of soap, food, and all the water from the night before.  Gotta love Seth's pet.  Now I realize all the stuff my parents did for me. 

What Happens

I don't know what happens from Monday to Friday.  I have posted on Mondays.  I look again and another week has gone by from the last time I sat down to blog.  AHHH!!  Not what I have in mind but we will just have to go with it.  Last week, Seth has tennis camp in 98 degree weather.  It was miserable.  He would come home, change his clothes and get in his bed.  Monday afternoon he even took a nap.  We were so proud that he actually wanted to go.  He also did it without Garrett being there.  He has come along way.  This was a big step for Seth.  (Sorry no pictures)

Update:  Jeff went to the doctor about his kidney stone that he has not passed.  The doctor told him to just hold off and see what happens.  He has to come back in one month.  The doctor doesn't want it to stay there forever and maybe causing some unseen problems.  Jeff is pain free but can tell something is still there. 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010

A day to honor the wonderful men in our life. 
1st is Jeff.  A wonderful daddy to three little people who thinks he is a fun, exciting, silly, strong, not smarter than mommy, and just great to hang out with and play at home.  I look to him for guidance, wisdom, refuge, and love.  He is a Godly man that leads our household.  We have started praying together at night right before bed.  Jeff leads the family in prayer as we end our day together.  He gives and gives and gives so much.  He provides for our family not just home, bills, and groceries, but for me to stay home and homeschool our kids.  Amazing.  He loves to get up early and just get going.  He has run his first half-marathon this year and training for another one.  He has lost down to smaller than when we met and kept it off ( that's the trick, ha).  We got him a washer game for Father's Day.   Ready to try it out.

Happy Father's Day Jeff

He is even a dad that can sew -  well take strings out of his baseball pants so they are exactly the way he wants them. 

Then on to the other great fathers in our life. 
Jeff's Dad, Bill

We celebrated with Jeff's dad yesterday at the pool.  What fun.  This is the men having their own conversation and solving all the problems of the world. 

We are celebrating with my dad tonight with deli sandwiches and chips.  Pictures to come.
These are random pictures from yesterday at the pool

Garrett and Seth enjoying the wonderful pool at Noni's

Seth and Mallory, his cousin, heading to the creek

Those men just chatting, Jeff's Dad, Jeff and Joe, Jeff's brother in law

Ella and Mallory playing dress up - Ella's Halloween costumes that she just loves  - she even has her hand up to claw and meow - She even takes the markers to paint whiskers and a pink nose

She had to wear it home

We had fun!

Father's day with my dad happened on Monday.  Mom and Dad came over to eat supper.  After supper, we went outside to play washers.  Jeff got this for Father's Day.
This is Ella and Meme.  Of course, she had to take a turn to throw.

Seth was waiting on Papa to throw.  Mom and Dad had never played this game.  He has a set on order now for the lake.  We are not very good yet.

Garrett kept giving pointer from the sidelines.  He was trying to tell meme that she was leaning over to far. 

Jeff and Garrett resting between games.  We had a great night just being outside. 
This is what summer is all about.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We Are Good

No kindey stone has passed but it has calmed down.  Jeff has been with out pain since Wednesday.  It is so nice to have him up and running again.  He even was back to running today.  Way to go Jeff.

VBS is over for another year.  What a success.  I have great people that surround me during the week to make VBS happen.  There is nothing like seeing children get excited for worshipping Jesus.  My prayer is that each child received seeds in which to plant in their life.  I hope the week at VBS gave them great joy so they will continue to find joy in Christ. 

Yesterday was Cooper's Birthday party.  His invitation was a bag of sand with seashells.  All the information was on a surfboard inside the bag of sand.  How cute.  He was 4. 
He got a John Deere Gator so Ella was the passenger.  He made just a few hundred laps around the block.  Ella was right by his side. 

Seth ended up eating about 5 rolls.  The menu was grilled chicken with wrapped in bacon, cheese and pineapple,  green beans, baked potatoes, and bread and fruit bowl.  Yummy!  It was delis

Ella and Cooper sat at a little table.  She loved the leis.  It is hard to believe that I will be planning a 4 year old birthday party in 2 months.  Time does fly but it is sooo much fun.

Happy 4th Birthday Cooper.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not to good

Since Friday it has been great for me and the kids.  For Jeff it has been a dreadful 5 days of hurting.  Friday morning he woke up now feeling so well but went into work.  Several call later from him, he ends up at the doctor.  From 11:30 or so until 4:00, he was in the doctor's office.  He has a kidney stone.  The doctor referred to it as a large stone.  They sent him home with 2 medications.  He has been miserable to 5 days now.  We go to a urologist today hoping to find the next step. 

So what is God teaching me - to be thankful for the things my husband does instead of always looking to the things he doesn't do that I think he should.  Yesterday I was tilling the garden and mowing the grass.  As I mowed, I was looking at all the things that Jeff does that he couldn't do because he was not feeling well.  I begin thinking about all the single moms that have to do it all.  It would be so stressful.  How it must wear on you physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I know that Jeff's condition is temporary but for some it is forever.  So in each situation we have God uses it to teach us, get our attention, and show us.  So I am so thankful for a husband that works so that I can stay home and all the little and big things he does do so I don't have to worry about them. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to be inspired.  Every mom needs inspiration from other ladies who have gone before or walking the path we are walking.  The path we are walking is homeschooling, a stay at home mom, and a family raising Godly children for God's kingdom work.  Yesterday was my day.  The lady who leads our co-op and her husband own Apologia. 

Apologia is mainly a science textbook company.  But since Rachael and her husband bought the company they have expanded their products to include books that encourage homeschooling families but also moms with children who are training them in the Bible.

They were doing video segments yesterday of two ladies.  They each have books they were promoting and did small 10 minutues talks on their book.
The first lady is Zan Tyler.  I have met her before at co-op.  She came back in March to observe our presentations we did as a family. 

I really didn't think much about this book until I heard her talk yesterday.  She and her husband homeschooled their 3 kids K-12 and all three went to college and now are very successful adults.
She talks about 7 tools but yesterday she highlighted just one of them.  She focused on Learning Styles, Spiritual Gifts, and Personality Types.  It is imporant for a mom to know these things about each child.  This is my mission this summer.  I know alot about my children but there are little "test" or "quizzes" to take to tell me exactly what each of the boys are in each area.

Another talk she did was on Worldview.  She focused on our children being surrounded by Godly people in home, church, and church community.  Research shows that 2/3 of the young adults that grew up in church are leaving the church.  She made a profound statement, "We need more Daniels and Esthers."  So I am going back to examine those qualities of Daniel and Esther.

The second lady was Debra Bell.

Can't wait for this one to hit the shelves.  This lady was go inspirational.  She was a public school teacher and then came home to teach all three of hers K-12.  She is now on the other side of this path and can't stop talking about all the fruits of her labor.  As she was talking, I was agreeing with so many things since she was a public school teacher like myself. 
 Her points were:

Her philosophy of education came from
Proverbs 20:5 "Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water,
But a man of understanding will draw it out." 
Children are natural learners from birth on up until about middle school then high school it seems to be gone.  The public school does an amazing job K-3, then 4-8 things change and so on until 9-12.  We are called in the verse to search it out.  Search out learning, shepherd the natural curiousity of a child.  Since the public school has 20 or so in a class, searching out each child's gift of learning stops.    Homeschooling is an incredible walk of FAITH.  It is giving limitations not just opportunities.  Another statement from her was, "I am not just PROTECTING you but PREPARING you to LAUNCH."  I want my kids to be so grounded in family, truth, bible, and obedience to God's calling when they leave me and I am ready to launch them into the world.  I can't wait for this book.

We ran out of time before Rachael spoke but I have heard her many times before and have this book already.  She points out so many things that God is telling us as we speak to our kids.  I know I have said these things to my kids a few 100 times.  I wonder how many times God has told me these things.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you"
"Be quiet"
What a great devotion book. 
So after a 2-1/2 hour video segment, I walked away inspired, encouraged, and very excited about this thing they call homeschooling and the precious gift of my children that God has so graciously allow
 Jeff and I to raise. 
Need some inspiration or encouragement, these books are for you even though you may not be homeschooling

It is nice to know others are walking the same path.  Surround myself with those people
I am so grateful for ladies who surround me, encourage me, and walk along beside me.  You guys know who you are.

Monday, June 7, 2010

From Wolf to Bear

This is Seth getting his arrows for completing his electives - 66 - WOW  hard work

Seth had his ceremony for Scouts on Satuday as well.  From one to another. 
Shaking hands with his scout leader - Mr. Gary
Receiving his Wolf Badge
He had to cross a bridge over to the bear side

Proud Bear Moving from Yellow to Blue - during the ceremony each scout gets his neckerchief tied on

We are so proud of you Seth for all your hard work, time and committment to complete your Wolf requirements

The Day I Have Waited For . . . .

Ella had her first dance recital.  I was very nervous to see if she was really going to do it or not but guess what?  She was soo excited.  I told her that she was going to dance on the Nutcracker Stage.  We were counting down the days.  Things she said that I want to remember
1.  On the nutcracker stage
2.  Behind the red curtain
3.  Prizes
4.  Olivia dance with me
5.  What about Elmo?
6.  Everybody coming to see me

She was just perfect of course.

Getting ready to walk out the door
Eye Shadow, Mascara, and Lip stick
Hair up and ready

This is the Big Girl that helped Ella's Class every week.  Ella in the last couple of weeks just took to Olivia.  Olivia really helped with Ella not be afraid.  When Ella saw Olivia she knew she would be okay.
Thanks Olivia for being a big help.

Ella was singing her part while she danced - Mr. Sun - It was from the TV show - Sesame Street -Elmo and Big Bird were suppose to dance with Ella but she was scared so Mrs. Bonita moved Elmo and Big Bird to the side of the stage.

Just sweet - They all look so little
Ella is on the right side 2nd from the back

Just finished her Big Twirl

Mrs. Bonita has trophies for the 1st year of Ballet.  She didn't know what to think.  I had not told her about this.  I wanted it to be a surprise.
The boys brought flowers, Regina and Erica - an "E" necklace and new dress, Peggy and Bill - crabby patties and a ballet necklace, Noni and Popa - flowers

It was so nice for her to all the family to support her.  She was just beside herself with excitement

Then Meme and Papa brought out the big guns - A Jessie Doll
she has not let Jessie out of her sight -  Jessie has been everywhere the past 3 days

I hope this is not the last of the recitals days that we will have.  I loved dancing and dancing was such a big part of my life growing up.  Don't tell Jeff - but there will be many more of these in the years to come. 
Get ready Daddy and Big Brothers

Silly Fun

It is fun to catch the silly that children do.  Thursday we were out getting items for VBS.  While looking for stryofoam,  Garrett and Seth just so happen to stop here.  There is a TV in Best Buy that is 3-D.  You wear these glasses to view the TV.  I thought is was just the movie but the salesperson told us it was the TV.  Any channel can be 3-D.

Garrett was amazed

Seth was taking it all in

 By the way, my kids do not like 3-D movies at all. 

Ella decided to be silly on the trampoline.

Wonder who is under the bucket?

Ella figured out that she could fit under the bucket  HAHA!
Silly little girl