"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, December 31, 2010

Remebering 2010

I saw this on Betsy's blog.  I decided to give it a try.  So here goes:

1.  What did you do in 2010 that you had never done before?

Started a blog
Very first post

Ran my First 5K
Best part was running with Jeff

Sent Garrett to overnight camp for 5 days

Started teaching an adult Young Couples Sunday School Class with Jeff

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
We are using the Love and Respect Book

We did Lent for the 1st time this year.  We gave up something for 40 days
I gave up soft drinks - Hard to do
2.  Did you keep your New Years Resolutions and will you make more for next year?

Goals from last year in regular print
1. Continue to read and grow in God's word  - I did this - I love to read the Bible.  The devotions seem to just fit exactly what I need to hear - I have learned so much by doing Walk Thru the Bible at co-op.  We are studying the New Testament

2. Learn more about adolescents since I have a "tween" who is fast approaching "those years" - I still continue to read, read, read - I think we have gone through several testing periods, I don't care attitudes, and let me see what I can get away with type of things.   But Jeff and I are on the same page so we come together and decide what angle to take and stick to it.

3. Run a 5K maybe a 10K( who knows) - I did 2 5Ks - will that count for a 10K  haha! 

4. Go to Disney World for a family vacation - This was easy since I knew we were going - What a fun trip
5. Do a better job with finances- This is hard for me - I do really good for several months and then I just give up - Still working.

3.  Did anyone close to you give birth?  We have several ladies in our new SS school class have babies this year.  Looking forward to friends of our to give birth in 2011.  They have been trying for a very long time so very excited that they are pregnant -

4.  Did anyone close to you die?  No

5.  What places did you visit? 
Bahamas and Castaway Cay


6.  What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
This is kinda hard.  I am so blessed.  I have a long list of things I would like to have but when I truly look at the list, it looks kinda silly compared to the things I already have

Here is the silly list of things I would like to have
  • New kitchen floor
  • Landuary Room painted
  • Hall Bathroom painted
  • New kitchen faucet
  • A new house with about 3 -5 acres not in a neighborhood
7.  What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched in your memory and why?
Seth accepted Christ into his heart and got baptized

April 25, 2010

Happy 15th Anniversary

8.  What was the biggest achievement this year?

Ahh!  Another hard one

I always look at another year of homeschooling as a big accomplishment.  I truly love having my children home with me.  When I look at the day to day, I always wished I could have handle the day better.  But as I look over the entire year, I truly feel God's blessing all around us. 

9.  Did you suffer injury or illness?

Nope.  Pretty healthy around here.  Other than Seth's allergy bouts.  Also battling impetgo almost 3 times this year.  Not fun

10.  What was the best thing you bought? 

I didn't actually buy the Ipod touch - Jeff won a contest at work by selling a certain amount of supplies - This is what the prize was - He gave it to me - I was very excited.

11.  Where did most of your money go?
I just laughed when I read this one

1.  Hockey for Garrett

2.  Hockey for Seth

3.  We also had two boys playing travel Select Hockey - Each boy went out of town on three different weekends - HOTEL bills

4.  My husband would say GAS and GROCERIES

We spend alot of time in the car.  It takes alot of groceries for 5 people.

5.   Homeschooling - it is not cheat to pay for all of your children's education

11.  What song will always remind you of 2010?

I'm in the Lord's Army  - by:  Go Fish
We saw them in concert in July

The Boys of Fall - by:  Kenny Chesney
Man in the Mirror  - by Michael Jackson - Garrett loves any of his songs - he also got THIS IS IT for Christmas
Follow Me There:  by Third Day - theme to Sarah Palin's Alaska Show
Celebration - What they played on the Mickey Boat as we were setting sail
Lead Me by Sanctus Real

12.  What do you wish you could have done more of?
I would say - run - I love to be outside and exercise - I want to be in great shape

Spend time with Jeff - I love going on trips with him - We have the best time together - we really reconnect and just enjoy hanging out

Doing a Bible Study - not sure which one - several sound amazing

13.  What do you wish you could have done less of?

Worrying about money
I am a stay at home mom ( one income)
We homeschool our children (cost alot)

14.  Favorite TV show?

The Jonese on TLC

Sarah Palin's Alaska
Sarah and Puppies

Grey's Anatomy - I have been watching this show since I was pregnant with Ella - I love it
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's and Private Practice kinda go hand and hand
Private Practice

American Idol
I kinda come and go with this show - I also watch Dancing with the Stars some as well

15.  What was the best book you read this year?

Teach Them Dilegently -  Lou Priolo
same kind of different as me - Ron Hall and Denver Moore
Parenting today's Adolescent by Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Witch of Blackbird Pond -- one of Garrett's school books

16.  What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
It is kinds funny but Garrett has a dentist appt..  I had my annual doctor visit.  Garrett and Seth both had hockey games.  Happy Birthday to me

I was 39.  Really???  I keep asking my REALLY??  How can that be?  I still see myself as 20ish.  Looking forward to next year.  All big birthdays for all of us - mom is planning a big trip
my mom will be 60
I will be 40
Garrett will be a teenager - 13
Seth will be double digits - 10
Ella will be 5 big kid

I can't wait - bring it on

17.  Who was the best new person you met?  
Not sure I have one -
I really enjoy meeting Jeff at the finish line after he finishes his half marathons.  There is no great joy than to hug him and know he is MY husband
Very proud of you -
his goal is a marathon

18.  Did you travel anywhere this year?

We went to the beach, Disney Boat, Disney World and several hockey trips

19.  Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010?

It truly is all about the Cross - Yes education is important, family is important, and many other things on my list but nothing compares to the Cross - I want to be a passionate follower of Jesus Christ - not just say things, and pray things and do things but LIVE it.  - I want the same for my children - I want them to be Know Him, Follow Him and Trust Him with their lives

20.  Goals for 2011
1.  Continue to find time to exercise

2.  Bible Study

3.  Learn more technology skills

4.  Slow Down - only focus on certain things and learn to say no

5.  Organization with home - meals, homeschooling, projects

Goodbye 2010 and Hello 2011 - Life is Good


Rush the goalie

Line up to tap gloves

Time to line up on the blue lines

Receive your medal from the coaches

Shake the other teams hands

Have a team picture made

Celebrate as the Queen City Tournament PeeWee B Champions!!

Way to go Checkers!  It has been a very stressful 3 days.  Moms can't take all the emotion that comes with playing this sport.  AHHHHH!!  What fun

Thanks for everyone that come to see Garrett play.  Garrett's team parents always kid us about the number of supporters Garrett always has at the games
Tues:  Amy, Joey, Sarah, Anna and Madison
Wednesday:  Grandparents
Thursday:  Shelley, Darbi, Colby, Aubry, Peggy, Regina, Erica

By the way, both sets of Grandparents are usually at all the games. 
Nice to have family and friends close by

I wonder if he slept with his medal?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas at Noni and Papa's

Christmas at the Weddine's

Jeff's sister - Jill

Getting ready to open presents - mom and Ella

The cousins - Will and Garrett - they are 7 months apart in age

Noni and Seth


Joe and Jill

Ella getting ready to open her BIG present from Noni and Papa

A new vanity - Can you tell she is talking again

Seth in the box - He got a new hockey bag so he is enjoying playing in the box - as little children we always say give them an empty box and they will enjoy it just as good - well that is still true for Seth

Thanks Noni and Papa for all the great presents

Christmas 2010

Our tradition is to open one present on Christmas Eve.  Garrett is remembering what that present is.  Everyone gets new Christmas PJ's.  This is right before everyone went to bed.  Gabby even participated.

Garrett (12), Ella (4), and Seth (9)

This Christmas was the earliest Seth and Garrett have ever gotten up.  5:00 AM.  Crazy - Garrett was up first and went to wake up Seth.  I realize there is a bond between them when they had an agreement between each other.  Who ever woke up first promised to wake the other one up.

Seth with his Nerf Stampede Gun

Seth's Santa presents

He was joking around that he wanted to ask Santa for 1 year supply of cheese balls.  Santa didn't bring a year supply but at least maybe a 3 month supply.

Garrett really didn't ask for certain things from Santa.  He just kinda made a list of things he would like to have.  Santa brought him a laptop.  He is reading his letter.   Santa left a letter that gave him permission to have his own email address

Mom and Garrett setting up the new email

Jeff and I gave him Kinect to go with his Xbox he already had.

Ella woke up at 7:00am.  My favorite part is seeing them for the first time on Christmas morning.  Can you tell she is telling something.  Look at her hand.  One little hand still is holding blankie and Georgie.  Ella got GoGo my walking pup
Baby Alive Changing Time
A cupcake maker

Feeding the baby - Wow is that fun  - She didn't like changing the diaper.

The Christmas spirit was alive in our house on Christmas morning.  Even with the big guy.  I hope that never changes.  Each one was very busy enjoying their goodies but also wanted to share their excitment with their brother or sister.  We heard alot of "Look at this!"  House was a mess, stuff was everyone - but everyone was overjoyed. 

Merry Christmas 2010

Christmas Card

I know this is not a very good picture.  I took a picture of the picture we gave my mom and dad for Christmas.  This is from our beach session back in October.  I don't have a digital copy of the pictures.  I have looked and looked at this picture.  As I look at this picture, I can think of each memory that comes with each child.

I can think back over the trips, the heartache, the trials, the blessings, the fun, the excitment, the laughs, and memories we have together as we build our family.  I still feel very young.  As I look at this picture, I see the huge resposibility Jeff and I have as parents.  On a day to day bases, I don't see what I am instilling in each of our children.  As I look at each child, I can see where we have been but also my wish and prayer for them as they grow bigger and bigger. 

I have several other pictures from our photo shoot that I got for Christmas.  I love each of them.  I wish I could share them.  Each picture captures very dear moments.

I want our children to know that family is important.  We have come so far as a family and we still have very far to go.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Queen City Tournament

Garrett has a hockey tournament this week.  We have 2 games each day.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is the Champonship Game (if we qualify).  I love the travel uniforms.  They look so good.  This is Garrett in the middle of the picture.  He plays defense.  The #20 player is a girl.  Garrett loves playing with Paige.  She is an incredible player.  He knows she pulls her weigh and he can trust her to defend the other side.  Also, if he misses or makes a mistake, Paige is there to cover.  They read and play off each other very well.

His favorite number.  The number he always ask for with any team.  #27
Every sports players takes to a number. 

Defend the goal.  His buddy Mason is goalie.  Love this shot

This is what a hockey sister does during a game.  Yesterday, Joey and Amy (his Sunday School teachers) and Anna, Sarah and Madison came to watch his game.  (Amy you will have to share this with Madison).  Garrett loves sharing his sport with others.  He enjoys it so much when others come to see him play.  He has asked me a million times if I sent the game times to Mr. Joey.   
Going after the puck.  You can hardly see the puck in the picture.  It is right by the right edge of the picture. 

We are still amazed at how tall Garrett looks and is on the ice.  You can see him compared to the other player #22.  But as much as we think he is tall.  Yesterday both teams has at least one player that was the same size as Garrett.  He is not the only odd ball.

Well, two more games today.  My new camera works great.  I took these pictures from the stands.  Garrett was on the opposite end of the ice.  I just love taking pictures.