"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Things to Remember

The next several pictures are just things I want to remember about my kiddos.

Seth has discovered chili, cheese dogs.  The best part is that Sonic makes footlongs

The joy on his face.  

American Doll Store - Road Trip

This trip has been planned for a long time.  We didn't tell Ella until Oct. 1st.  16 Days was long enough to wait for this road trip.

It was Mallory, Ella's Cousin, birthday.  She loves American Girl Dolls.  Noni gave her the trip
for her birthday.  

Rodeo Time

Time for the city slickers to act country for 2 days.
I have an aunt, uncle and cousin who hold an annual rodeo. 
This is the 18th year for the rodeo at their house.  

My kiddos have grown up going to the rodeo. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

School Year 2012-2013

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, 
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
 and when you walk by the way, 
and when you lie down, and when you rise. "  Deuteronomy 6: 7

Since we have been homeschooling, I do a "school picture" photo shoot.  
These are our school pictures for the year. 

It is always an adventure when you have three you are trying to photograph.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weekend Happenings

Jeff and I have been busy painting different rooms
in the house.  We recently painted the garage.  This means we have 
pretty strict rules about playing in the garage.  Ella thought it would be 
a great idea to play one on one tennis with the wall in the garage.  


We loaded up and headed to the nearby high school tennis courts.  (Trying to keep
the walls safe).  Playing tennis with a 6 yo is not the best FUN.  I was very
patient with her.  The big goal was to serve the ball over the net.

We did accomplish the serve maybe twice in our thirty minutes on the courts.

We had a few hits back and forth.  Somewhat of a game.  Ella did keep
score.  She won by the way.