"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Monday, October 25, 2010


I have read a book in the past about What we tell our children, God may be trying to tell us.  I truly got this idea last night.

Jeff and I have been "on Garrett's case" lately.  He seems to have a care less attitude.  He has not doing some things Jeff and I have been asking him to do.  Responsibilites.   We have tried many parenting tactics to try and "fix it".  This has been going on with school work as well.  Since he is homeschooled, I have taken the blame for this.  The last few weeks have not been so pleasant.  I do alot of talking and talking and talking.  Needless to say, I think Garrett has become numb to my talking.  Last Monday I was determined to not let the way he does things bother me.  Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday were good days.  Friday we were off to the beach.  I saw some great things out of Garrett at the beach.  I was finally thinking - look at the positive.  Praise the positive.  Look at his strength.

So now onto me:

I received a not some nice email right before the Harvest of Praise from someone "getting on my case".  They felt as those I had done something not quiet so right according to them.  I could not get the email out of my head.  I fired back all night at my husband who took the burden for this person's email.  I was not able to say to them face to face what I wanted to say so I said it to my husband.  Even when we got home, I was still mad. 
They didn't know my side of the story. 
They didn't understand my thinking.
They were an outsider looking in
They had truly hurt me by their words
They were pointing all the wrong I did - did they know what I had done to fix this already

I couldn't even enjoy the night.  I couldn't enjoy my children.  I couldn't think except on the email and the comments.  I begin to try to let go and not worry.  I knew before I went to bed I needed to pray.  I had to turn it over to God.  As I was finishing up on my work sitting in the school room, my brain shifted to Garrett.  How does he feel?  Does he feel that I don't understand?  Does he think I don't understand his side?  Do I hurt him with my words just trying to get my point across?  How does he go to bed with a huge burden?  What message do I send to him when I constantally point out all the wrong his does?

So as I began to get on my knees, my prayer shifted from poor pitfull me who felt like a victim to what am I saying to my son?  God spoke in that moment.  This email from this person left me with so much hurt and worry and heaviness.  What am I saying to my son? 

My Heavenly Father said things to me through this. 
I felt as though I had done everything right.  Why is this person sending me an ugly email? 
Garrett may be saying - I thought I did it right?  Why are you getting on me? What am I doing as a mom?

Dear LORD,
Off to a new start - Thank you God for your teachings.  We, as children of God, need you.  We can't do this ugly world without you.  Prepare me, O LORD, to be the mom that Garrett needs everyday.  Encouragement and Love.  Let me show him ways that he can trust me.  Just as I need to trust you LORD.  God, you ask us to trust and obey.  If he can trust me, then the obey will follow.  Continue to work in our hearts, our home and our school.  We love you!
In Jesus name

Harvest of Praise

On our way to church for the Harvest of Praise. 

Ella is Jessie from Toy Story

Luigi from Mario

Picture time

Face Painting - Ella's favorite part

Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin

Fun - Family - Fellowship

WOW!!! He did it again

There are a few things in this world that truly make me say WOW!!!  AMAZING!!!  SO PROUD of YOU!!

Jeff ran his second half -marathon at the beach on Sunday.  I am so proud of him. 
To know that he has trained for over 13 weeks
Gotten up at 5:30 many mornings
Run his long runs on Sunday
Stuck to his game plan
Committed himself to staying healthy

Medal time

YEAH!! Dad

The official runner

We missed seeing him cross the finish line.  He had been finished about 20 minutes when we fnally found each other.  He beat his time by 9 minutes from his last fun. 
Finished in 1 hour and 52 seconds.  13.1 miles

I am so proud of you!!!

All day I wanted to do whatever I could for him.  I am truly speechless.  If you have never witnessed a half-marathon run, I challenge you to be a person on the sideline watching these amazing people meet a challenge.  It looks very easy but when I can't even run 3.1 miles without walking.  These people are incredible.  I consider my husband incredible.

Awesome God

Jeff had his race Sunday morning.  I dropped him off at 6:45a.m.  When I got back to the beach. The following series of pictures is what I sat and watched as a drank my coffee.  When I see the sun rise at the beach, I can only think of Heaven. 
I serve an awesome God who truly loves to share His creation with me.  I am so blessed.  In moments such as the ones below, I can only Be Still.  Enjoy and set your eyes upon the LORD.

One purpose of going to the beach

Jeff's mom has always wanted family pictures at the beach.  So this was the weekend, this was the day.  What an accomplishment we were all in one place.  Eleven schedules finally come together.

This is right before we left.  The light is not very good.  My handsome fellas.

All of us walking out to the beach - The moment was truly something to remember.   All of us in one place, dressed very similar and just the fellowship.

Walking up to the beach

Continuing to walk

And walk

Jeff and Ella running on the beach - we were trying our best to make Ella feel very comfortable so she would take pictures

Seth, Will and Garrett

Mallory and Ella

The boys

Walking back - all done

Ella had a blast - she did good - we were all amazed - Cow tails were eaten after doing such a great job

She was giving her daddy a kiss.  At that moment, I flashed ahead about 20 years.  I could see him kissing her on her wedding day.  Such a precious memory.

Can't wait until the real pictures come back.  I hope my pocket book is ready

Already know what my Christmas card will be.

Weekend at the Beach

I am going to do this in several post because I have too many pictures for one post and too much to say for one post.  The entire Weddine family was at the beach.  We had two units.  The girls were with Jeff and me.

Friday night camp out with the girls - Mallory and Ella - Ella's sleeping bag was red but no Ella in the picture

Seth enjoying Cracker Barrel - Playing the mini violin

The big boys playing Noni in a game of Bocci ball - Noni won

Seth jumping the big hole dug out in the sand.

Second jump

Saturday was beautiful.  I think October may be my new favorite time at the beach - warm but not crowded and beautiful.

Girl Stuff

We had a girl night.  Ella and I went to have our toenails painted for the pictures at the beach.  She picked out her color.  She was ready

I love her face.  She is taking this very seriously.

The finished product.  She sat so still for them to dry. 

She played on the beach on Saturday.  By Saturday afternoon, most of the polish was off for the pictures. It was nice to have girl time anyway.  I was able to listen to her and only her.  She had my undivided attention. 

I learned that I was invited to her wedding.  I could wear a green dress.  She also informed me that she was marrying "little Mason".  Her brothers, grandparents and everyone was invited.  This was our conversation in the car.  A girl can dream, right?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hockey Games Begin

My hockey picture are never good ones.  Seth is the one on the left side of the goal.  Seth's game was first.  He is a Rivermen.

A little better - right in front of me with his stick up

A little better - still warming up

Seth is the little blue head comin in for the puck - he played right winger - he is on offense 
#77 is Seth - it is funny all green and Seth in blue

I like seeing their numbers - he is so happy out there - it is fun to see him play.  He had 3 shots on goal.  Even though non of them went in net - He did have 2 assist.  Assist are just as important as goals in hockey.  They annouced his name over the speakers.  He was beaming.

Garrett had a game the same night - right after Seth's.  His game started at 8:20.  Garrett is in the back of the picture - red helmet and red pants.  He is on defense so it really looks like he is not in the game but his team is going down the ice to score.  Garrett had 3 assist.  Wow!  Terrific.

No other pictures of Garrett - my batteries died.  I would love to have a new camera for Christmas.  Not sure that will make it on my Christmas list. 

I love taking pictures.

Hockey truly is a passion of the boys.  We are focusing on the talent God has given them.  He pray that our family will be a shining light on the hockey arena.  Many of the players families are from Canada or up north.  We really do shock them.  The Weddine boys have NO ties to the north but Hockey is their game.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Ella driving a tractor

She thought this donkey was cool.

Silo slide - good picture

Seth sliding

Happy Fall

The perfect pumpkin for Ella

Ella trying to find her pumpkin

Seth looking for the biggest pumpkin

The kids love taking picture of us

Ella had to pick on to carry. 

On the wagon

Interesting thing:  Garrett wanted so bad to slide down the slides and let go and have fun BUT on the other hand he thought he was too big and too cool to participate in that.  Jeff, Garrett and I were standing around watching the little one play.  When did this "cool" thing happen to my child.  Jeff and I just kept looking at him.  No more conversations with little ears not right beside us. 

I like my little kid, Garrett but waiting to see this big kid, Garrett begin the process of teenager