"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, February 24, 2012

Who Would Guess?

Who would guess that I'm doing a post about hockey?  I know!  We spend lots of time with hockey, doing hockey, going to hockey.  It is just a part of what we do.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  It has kinda grown on us. 

I don't mind wearing my coat in the summer because the ice rink is 51 degrees. 

I don't mind drinking several cups of coffee because I can't get warm

I don't mind my little ones coming home clean because we aren't on a ball field getting dirty.

I don't mind having to carry a tent to keep me cool and my chairs to sit in.

Really Hockey is great. 

I remember when Garrett was younger just starting hockey.  I would see these giant boys playing a game.  I couldn't imagine having a child that old and bigger than me.

I'm being to feel like I should never say never because it could happen.

I have an older kid.  I have a kid bigger than I am. 

We love watching him play.  Some game really have you on the edge of your seat.

I am very proud of you G'Man.  We really enjoy watching you play for over 6 years now.  I remember when you were a Mite just learning how to skate forward with all your equipment.  We had to make your carry your hockey bag.  It was bigger than you were. 

Now you are a Bantam carrying your own bag, tieing your own skates, skating forward and backwards and coming out like a mad man ready to play some HOCKEY. 

Nice playing son. 
#12 for the Bantam Jr. Checkers Select 

Preparing Our Hearts

Why is it so hard for me to say "I'm Sorry"?  It is incredibly hard for me to say those words.  I mean it inside but to outwardly admit I'm sorry is very difficult for me. 

Along with saying I'm sorry on one side, you have to be able to forgive on the other side.  Sometime I like to hold onto a grudge and remember the wrong someone had done to me. 

So as I begin looking through Ash Wednesday things, I ran across an eye opening blog post by Ann Voskamp at http://www.aholyexperience.com/

I began to realize I needed to apologize for some of my behavior but also forgive someone for really nothing they had done. 

Ann had created a prayer bench with a little quiet time to really think and be with God.  I felt like I needed this.  But I also know that my job is to disciple my children so I created a modified version of Ann's.

Pillows to be on your knees

Forgiveness is given to us through Jesus.  He created the bridge for us to connect with God again.  The pan has flour in it to represent dust. 
We came from the dust and to the dust we will return.  Genesis 3:9. 
So in Jesus we can also admit our sins and our sins will be wiped away with no memory of it from God. 
The flour gives us a tangible way for us to see how we can draw in the flour then wipe it away never to be seen again.

The scripture that is highlighted is Matthew 6:14-15.  This is how to be happy.  In order to be happy you must forgive if someone has done wrong to you but the flip side is to ask for forgiveness if you have done wrong. 

So our focus continues to be pure hearts.  What a precious gift we have been given.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today begins the season of Lent.  We have done Lent the past couple of years and have really received some great unity as a family all focusing on something and holding each other accountable.  I look at Lent as a time to sacrifice something that makes me think of Jesus each time I "want" the something I give up for 40 days. 


This year as I was reading and studying more for the family, I ran across how Lent can also be adding a discipline.  I don't want my kids to dread Lent.  I want this to be a time to prepare our hearts for the Easter season. 

Lent should prepare our hearts for Easter.  Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days.  He came face to face with His biggest enemy.  I hope over the next 40 days we as a family can come face to face with our enemies.  Our focus for the next 40 days should lead us to be more like Christ in His sacrifice for us. 


I want Him to form me into a new being.  I want to continue to work out my salvation and draw closer to Him.  I want Easter to move from bunnies, candy and eggs to the image below for me.

This is a BIG DEAL.  I let the days worries bring me down when I need to be rejoicing in all that I have.  Jesus has bridged that gap for me to be in unity with God.  I am so thankful for that.  So over the next 40 days, we have decided to make a shift.  Instead of a sacrifice or giving up something, we are going to be looking for things that show us His love.  We are adding a new discipline to our thinking.  Where is God meeting me each day?  What is showing me each day?  Does he give me a small glimpse into how big He really is?  We are ready for God to show off to us each day as we intentionally spend quiet time with him.  In doing so, we will find JOY each day.  I want my JOY to spill out of me. 

PS  Have you ever thought about Lent?  Do you have questions about what this is or looks like?  Join us this year?  40 days " Trail to the Cross" 

I will be posting each day as we begin this journey to Easter.  May your hearts be renewed, rejoiced and be made well. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie Time

Big Week!!  Girl Scout Cookie Time.  We went to pick up Ella's Girl Scout Cookies that she sold on Friday.  Around 140 boxes of cookies. 

Mom and Dad came over to watch Dolphin Tales but instead they helped us sort, tag and bag cookies.  It was fun to see Ella working to help us. 

(Why is there always a pose?)

Mom and Dad brought Bella (their new dog).  Gabby and Bella had never met so we though it was time.

Gentle giant with busy little bee

They ran around and played chase for a very long time.

 They did very well together.  At the end of the night, both of the dogs were exhausted.  I hope they will remember each other next time Bella comes over for a visit.  It was to fun to watch.  Bella is so little she can fit just about anywhere.  Poor Gabby has to move quickly to keep up with her.

Little random post

We have been just doing our thing around here.  Always busy and on the go.

Below are just random pictures I have been taking in those moments where I remember I need to be capturing these times.

This was Garrett on morning with Gabby on the couch.  We have a rotten dog who thinks she is human sometimes.

We have been kidding Seth about his hair.  Last time we went to Becky, the boys decided to just get a "trim".  So now they are asking when we have haircut appointments.  They are realizing how long their hair is getting.  Seth has the sling going on.  We can him Justin. I love his hair this way.  Garrett would love to do this but he has the "mind of its own hair with a tad of curls"

 This is what we do with 3D glasses from the movies.  Ella has been walking around with these for a couple of days.  She says "herd" glasses.  This picture she has been playing secretary.  She has an old cell phone, Garrett's computer and glasses.  It is to funny.

I am beginning to realize that my kids are getting big.  We no longer have little ones.  Their personalities are fun to watch each day.  What they like and dislike is becoming more obvious each day.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Little love going around

February is a month to think about LOVE.  We have begun our Countdown to Valentines already.  My wish was to read a verse each night at family prayer time about love.  But with hockey schedule and little ones going to bed, this would not work.  So I decided to post these through out the house to see what discussion comes about from the kids. 

The World says that siblings should Hate each other, get on each others nerves, and not like being around each other.  We are on a mission at our house to change that because the Bible tells us differently.  Fifteen verses below are filled with Words from God on how to handle Love.  So my prayer is for a little love to go around our house each day for each other.  We can rise above and be different than what the world wants us to be like towards each other. 

Enjoy a little encouragement.  Spread the love the days of February.


Love is patient.  Love is kind.  It does not want what belongs to others.  It does not brag.  It is not proud.  It is not rude.  It does not look out for its own interests.  It does not easily become angry.  It does not keep track of other people’s wrongs.  Love is not happy with evil.  But it is full of joy when the truth is spoken.  It always protects.  It always trusts.  It always hopes.  It never gives up.  Love never fails.   1 Cor 13:4-8

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

But here is how God has shown his love for us.  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Rom 5:8

Hate stirs up fights.  But love erases all sins by forgiving them.  Prov. 10:12

Dear Children, don’t just talk about love.  Put your love into action.  Then it will truly be love.  1 John 3:18

We love because he first loved us.  1 John 4:19

Your love is better than life.  I will bring glory to you with my lips.  Ps. 63:3

No one can serve two masters at the same time.  He will hate one of them and love the other.  Or he will be faithful to one and dislike the other.  You can’t serve God and Money at the same time. 

Matt.  6:24

Here is what I tell you.  Love your enemies.  Pray for those who hurt you.  Matt.  5: 44

A friend loves at all times.  He is there to help when trouble comes.  Pro.  17:17

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  Love him with all your mind and with all your strength.  And here is the second one.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Mark 12:30-31

Love must be honest and true.  Hate what is evil.  Hold on to what is good.  Love each other deeply.  Honor others more than yourselves.   Rom 12:9-10

The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of them is love.  1 Cor.  13:13

Don’t be proud at all.  Be completely gentle.  Be patient.  Put up with one another in love.  Eph 4:2

Most of all,  love one another deeply.  Love erases many sins by forgiving them.  1 Pet 4:8

I don't think God intended Love to be a suggestion but a must.