"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, January 25, 2013

App Visit and App Skiing

We headed to one of our favorite places on Tuesday for a short family trip.  Our destination was Boone NC.  We love the mountains.  We found out that Appalachian Ski does homeschool days during the week.  We traveled on Tuesday so we could just goof off and walk around ASU campus, visit the bookstore, and walk around Blowing Rock.
When we arrived, it was 5 degrees with wind chill.  Can I say COLD? 
We are all bundling up to walk around campus.  Does this bring back memories?
I wondered how I ever survived 4 years of Boone's winter. 

 It has just snowed a few days before so several spots had little piles.  This was perfect for Ella and Seth. 

The gate to the stadium was open so we walked right into visit.  You can see Ella's blue jacket on the left side of the picture.  So tiny.
Time for a swim.  Ella and Seth enjoyed swimming in the warm water.

I like this picture.  Snow outside but they are in the pool swimming.
Off to the slopes, once we got up on Wednesday morning.  20 degrees and Sunny
Garrett is the only one who has skied. 

 Garrett and Seth lined up by the checker board flag to have lessons in snowboarding.
Seth is right at the flag and Garrett, you can see a touch of hood that is sticking out of his jacket.

 This is Ella in her class.  She has one ski on.  They had to ski with one ski on around a circle.
 Seth is bent down in the blue jacket and Garrett is standing up with the red hood sticking out of his jacket.

 Seth stuck with snowboarding all day.  He is in the stance coming down the hill.
 He really looks like he knows what he is doing.
 Little Miss Ella is coming down the hill in her blue jacket.  Jeff is behind her.
 The Weddine Boys

Seth and his snazzy snowboard and helmet.  This boy never gave up trying to figure this out.  He came inside for about 20 minutes to eat lunch.  He was on the slopes from 10 - 5 with only one short break. 
Our kids are now wanted to go to App State so they can ski and snowboard.  We will see what the next few years hold. 
Great family fun on the slopes.

Snuggles, Begging and Obsession

Ella loves to snuggle with her daddy.  She is sometimes still asleep when he goes to work so she misses seeing him.  He is always the first one to speak to him when he walks in the door.  This picture was after church a couple of Sundays ago.  She enjoys the weekends when he is home with us all day.
So onto Begging

Now that Gabby is older, we have gotten really bad at feeding her chips or crackers.  She LOVES to beg for some of our food now.
Garrett was eating supper after practice one night.  Gabby was standing guard just in case Garrett decided to share.

 Love how her head is tilted.  I think there may have been some whining too.
I am a real calendar, schedule person.  Well this is what my daughter's calendar on her door looks like.  She has "S" for school days.  Co-op is marked.  Some of the letters represent shows that are coming on the Disney channel that she wants to see.  She marks the days that meme comes over to our house.  The best thing is the X for the days that have passed.

I feel bad that I have created this obsession she has.  We started this calendar thing because she would ask and ask and ask when something was going to happen or we were going somewhere.  So we began to mark it on the calendar to count down the days.  Now she manages it herself.
The funny thing is if she spends the night somewhere.  She calls home to tell us to cross off the day for her.  REALLY.  She is 6.  I am a little scared.
She is her momma's child.

Alittle Before and After

Before the game
Garrett had a tournament this past weekend.  There was a lot of hockey.
His team has to be there 1 hour and 15 minutes before game time for warm ups.  They also have to wear khakis, shirt, tie, and his jacket. 
 Ella and I always try to wear our red and black for the games.
This would be our child After the game.  He turns his jersey back in after every game so to see him in full uniform, other than on the ice, is rare.  I have been wanting a picture of him fully dressed out in his hockey gear.
Yes, this is our 14 year old, 8th grader, in all his hockey gear expect his helmet.  Of course, he has passed both of us in height but in this picture HE DOES have skates on. 
So proud of his desire and dream.  He loves the game of hockey.  We, as his family, are beginning not to dread 51 degrees.  (that is the temperature inside the ice rink).  Ha. 
p.s. Seth is in the right corner of the picture playing an ipod. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Big Kid, Medium Kid and Little Kid

Well this "mean" mom made everyone go outside to play on Saturday.  
It was 70ish here.  Too pretty to be inside with video games. 

Everyone ended up on Ella's new trampoline. 
Zavaglia's you are invited back to jump again.

The logs are still on the post because we had  terrible wind the day we finished putting the trampoline together.  I didn't want it to go flying over so we weighted it down.

 Seth is my trickster.  He is the only one that will try to a front flip and land on his feet.

Not sure what Garrett is doing.  Photo bombing???

Not sure what I was thinking.  I am not as young as I use to be.  The trampoline tells me so.

Grandma Ella

Ella was requesting several big girl things for Christmas. 
One request was an eye shade.  I don't know the "technical" name for this.

Each night she has it on top of her head as we head in to kiss her goodnight.  I just about lose it each night.  She is 6. 

The picture below I caught of her one morning before she woke up.  I guess it stays on all night.

Another request was the hair towel.  She has certain requirements for her wet hair and putting on her pjs.  She doesn't like her wet hair to touch her dry pjs.  We were drying her hair while she was wrapped in a towel.  Now we have Turbie Twist.  She loves it.  The first time was a failure because we didn't know which way the towel went on her head.  We are experts now.

She wants to play a game while her hair somewhat dries under the twist.

Once she found out I was taking the picture, she was embarrassed.  So we call her grandma around her.  She loves her pj's, robe, and hair towel.  So many requirements for such a little lady.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Computer

I am just going to say it.  I have the BEST husband in the world.  He got me a new computer.
Yes.  He didn't ask my opinion, make me shop, or ask 100 questions.  He did it ALL himself. 
I did bug him about buying an external hard drive since I knew my old computer was going to DIE at any time.
So the old computer things
* had to have about 10 minutes for it to actually boot up
*  special keys to be hit in the correct order at the correct time for it to boot up
* slow
*watched the circle spin
*I teach online classes so I need a computer - I spend a lot of time on the computer
* I enjoy blogging so I do a lot with my pictures and flip video
*I had to use Garrett's computer for microphone
* the battery died several months after I got it so attached to an outlet to work
*my son (we want mention which one) spilt milk on the keyboard so the mouse and keys below didn't work
*had to have a wireless mouse to use it
*in computer years, my computer was 50 years old
*has Microsoft Word 2003
SO now I am rejoicing.  I have a new cool computer.
Surprise on Christmas.
The story behind the computer is so cool.  My husband worked very hard to be sure I had it to open on Christmas.
So I have a Dell inspiron 15z Ultrabook touchscreen
*It has a 15" screen
* microphone
* Windows 8
*boots up in about 1 second
I have spent lots of time on the computer already.

I have enjoyed my new computer.  I don't hardly want to load anything on it.  It is super duper fast.
I think I need to take a class on Windows 8
I also need a class on Microsoft 2010.
So just for me to remember how fun it is to have a NEW toy this is my post.
I love when my husband just takes care of the whole thing.  Not only did a get a great computer but the best part is that it just showed up.
By the way, this post is for Sheila

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas at the Weddines

After heading to my side of the family for lunch, we head to Noni and Papa's (Jeff's mom and dad) for more eating and presents
The young men of the family
 The young girls of the family

 Isn't this just a typical picture of young people

After gifts, we made pictures.

Serious one and then Crazy one