"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

End of the Year

I saw this come through some social media.  I needed this reminder to help me have the strength to make it to the end.  I wanted this from my children's teachers so I needed to do the same for the kids I taught.  

End of the year awards - Ella received the Citizenship Award.  So thankful for teachers who recognize character in our children.  Ella has the most helpful, giving heart.  She will go out of her way to check on you to be sure you are having a great day.  She is a rule follower and very trust-worthy.  

Meme and papa were able to come and be with her for her ceremony.

This was Ella's best buddy in class  - Alyssa
She got an award too.  Ella was so excited for her.

Seth also received awards at an awards night.  He received straight A's and a team award for being a top math student.  I will add pictures later.  

Another day, Ella had a writing celebration.  WOW!  What a great accomplishment.  

The stack in front of her is all her writing from the entire year.

Ella's Phillipino friend Nica with their long dresses on for the celebration.

Ella had already been picked up early from school on the last day so I only had the boys.  Garrett spent the last day of school with me in my classroom.  Seth was picked up early and brought to me and spent the afternoon with us.  We had a grand time.  My students were so excited to spend the day/afternoon with my guys.  I talked about them all year so to have them in real life was a huge treat.  

This was us loaded in the car to say 2013-2014 school year was OVER.  We survived.  This was truly a transition year with many, many changes for our family.  We had our ups and downs but truly it was a great year and we are super excited for summer.

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