"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Cooper River Bridge

Cool. Windy. Uphill.
But all together.

We decided after Garrett's game on Saturday to walk 1/2 of the Cooper River Bridge.
Jeff and I had both ran the bridge earlier in the day.  Jeff of course did the whole bridge.  He had 9 miles to run on Saturday.  I ran 3 miles.  I ran to the top of the bridge and back down the same side. 

I wanted the kids to know what we talk about when we say we are running "The Cooper River Bridge"

Seth kept wanting to run.  Did I mention uphill and windy, 25 mph winds?

This is the view from the bridge looking towards Charleston at sunset.

The sweetest thing is seeing Ella hold Jeff's hand. 

This bridge is all, all, all uphill to the top.

 This picture is kinda dark but I love the towers in the background.  Ready to tackle this on March 31, 2012.  This is such a fun race.  I still can't believe that I accomplished 6.2 miles.  Jeff is a great coach. 
The kids were amazed at the size of the structure.  Since we were on the walking/bike path, we could touch the cables.  Incredible.

Miss "Take my picture"

Ahhh!  How pretty.  The sunset was incredible.  The shirts for the race this year have alot of orange.  Now I know why.  This was 1/2 way up the bridge.  1.5 miles to this point.  We didn't hear much complaining.  Did I mention - windy, cold and beginning to get dark.

This picture is looking straight up to the top.  WOW!

The Weddine family made it.
Ella wanted to call meme and noni to tell them she "ran" the Cooper River Bridge. ha!  Too funny.

This was a great time.  Times like this are the time I hope my kids will remember.  Also, say to their kids, I remember when or let's go run the bridge. 

Cooper River Bridge - the 12 weeks of training has begun (for me anyway).  Prayers are being lifted up. 

Lord, help me see you each day that I train.  Bless my quiet time and keep me healthly and well. 
March 31, 2012

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