"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bitter Sweet

I have no pictures to show for this except tomorrow I will.  I want to post this so I will remember the details of the moment.  Tuesday, Garrett had a type of "missions" project for literature.  He had to think through some ideas, how to get the resources, and when the project would be done.  He listed several ideas.  The sweet part was they all related to Josh Loftis.  The neat think is the timing of the assignment.  Josh had to go on Tuesday for test results from his 1st round of treatments.  We were prayerfully hoping for good news if not great news. 

At first Garrett was all over the place with ideas.  The more we talked, the more focused he became.  He decided to take them dinner and buy Josh some school supplies for home since he will begin this school year at home. 

I made him call.  He had to leave a message.  He explained that we would like to bring supper to his family.  About 6 hours later, the phone rings.  Garrett answers - it's Mrs. Gina, Josh's mom.  I couldn't believe the grown up voice I was hearing on the phone as he is setting all this up.  He thought Friday would give us more time to prepare everything.

Today, he wanted to send a lego movie we have for Josh to watch with bags of popcorn.  He thinks Josh's family may have Friday Night Movie Night like we do.  Ha!  Sweet!

He just reminded me before he went to bed that we need to go shopping tomorrow for Josh.  What a blessing he has given me watching this process. It truly is bitter sweet to know that a 12 year old can truly think about others more than himself.  Pictures to follow tomorrow as we deliver the goodies.

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