"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, September 6, 2013

Get A Way week end with Dad

It was time to take Seth away for his incredible weekend with his dad.  Jeff decided to go back to the same place he took Garrett since he had such an incredible experience. 
The experience was Zip Lining.
This experience and weekend is part of the Passport to Purity program. 
Hard to believe the time had come for this sweet boy to go through this program.  Jeff did this with Garrett a year later but we decided to do this with Seth before he entered middle school.  We wanted him to have a sound bases in Truth before hearing other thoughts on the matter at school.

They had an incredible weekend.  Who doesn't like the mountains.
So proud of Seth and his maturity as he learned and spend time with his dad.  So proud of Jeff for leading his family especially his boys.

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