"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Monday, July 11, 2011

Courageous - 1st step

The new movie Courageous is coming out in September.  Seeing and hearing about this trip is making me so blessed to have Jeff as my husband and blessed for friends like Kevin.  These daddies took their 12 and 13 year old sons on an adventure.  Many memories were made, many things were taught and many things were said that will last a lifetime. 

The Courageous Dads

The learning to be Courageous young men

Ha - This tree had already fallen - Still little boys at heart

At the top - Look at the steep climb - At the top, the guys were in the clouds

A picture I will treasure forever. 

Gotta love the mountains - the mountains have special meaning to us

Down the trail they go
Mission accomplished
Mt. Mitchell - check

The stories from the guys were great.  So thankful Garrett had his ipod.  Maybe the first time I have ever thought that.  Ha.

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