"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Father-Son Weekend

Jeff and Garrett left Friday around lunch time.  They were off for a very special Father-Son weekend.  Jeff and I had prayed for this time.  Jeff decided to go to the mountains for a camping trip.  Along with camping, the guys were able to zipline the entire campground. 

(We do think Garrett has passed his dad in height but we don't talk about it)

Campground after the stop at the ASU Bookstore for a few goodies

Campsite - I am so glad it was the boys.  Camping is such a guy thing.

Garrett was so excited when he got home.  Jeff did an incredible job getting everything together.  I am so proud of him for taking time to make this event happen.  I am hoping this is one of many times that Garrett will remember his dad leading, guiding and directing him in some grown-up issues.  I am so thankful for a husband who strives to be a Man of God and follow his direction with an incredible example he sets for his boys. 
Sweet memories of this weekend together will forever be sketched in Jeff and my mind.
Growing up happens in a blink - 12 years already have flown by- can't wait to see what the next few years hold. 

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