"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Queen City Tournament

Garrett has a hockey tournament this week.  We have 2 games each day.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is the Champonship Game (if we qualify).  I love the travel uniforms.  They look so good.  This is Garrett in the middle of the picture.  He plays defense.  The #20 player is a girl.  Garrett loves playing with Paige.  She is an incredible player.  He knows she pulls her weigh and he can trust her to defend the other side.  Also, if he misses or makes a mistake, Paige is there to cover.  They read and play off each other very well.

His favorite number.  The number he always ask for with any team.  #27
Every sports players takes to a number. 

Defend the goal.  His buddy Mason is goalie.  Love this shot

This is what a hockey sister does during a game.  Yesterday, Joey and Amy (his Sunday School teachers) and Anna, Sarah and Madison came to watch his game.  (Amy you will have to share this with Madison).  Garrett loves sharing his sport with others.  He enjoys it so much when others come to see him play.  He has asked me a million times if I sent the game times to Mr. Joey.   
Going after the puck.  You can hardly see the puck in the picture.  It is right by the right edge of the picture. 

We are still amazed at how tall Garrett looks and is on the ice.  You can see him compared to the other player #22.  But as much as we think he is tall.  Yesterday both teams has at least one player that was the same size as Garrett.  He is not the only odd ball.

Well, two more games today.  My new camera works great.  I took these pictures from the stands.  Garrett was on the opposite end of the ice.  I just love taking pictures.

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