"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The New Toy

Well I told you that Seth has been saving his money for awhile.  He wanted this toy last year but we thought he was too young and wasn't ready.  Jeff and I still have our reservations but hopefully it is one of those learning experiences.  He is soo excited.   He has counted and counted and counted his money.  I admire a child that is 8 years old to save their money until they have $210.00.  Things he did to save.  He took his birthday and Christmas money (there is advantages to having a birthday right at Christmas), chore money, did extra chores, asked me to pack his supper for the ice rink so he would not have to buy pizza, and said "no" to other things he wanted that were little things.  So Seth's new toy is an Ipod touch.
He is super duper excited.  He had a clock that would play an ipod but no ipod to play.  Well now he wakes up to music.  He is very responsible.  I am very proud of this young man and his money sense.  (Like his dad)

I think I am going to start saving my money.  The ipod touch is way cool.  Seth even has Garrett motivated to save his money now.

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