"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Family Fun

We have been discussing What is sitting on our Throne?  Really what it boils down to is idols.  Do we have any idols?  Things that we focus our attention on more than God.    We have discovered many things.  One of those being the TV.   It seems that when the kids have done all of their work, they turn on a TV or Video game.  So we are trying to TURN OFF THE TV and play with toys or make other choices.  We have been playing games at our house.  Everyone has been switching and playing each other.  The first game is Connect 4x4.  Seth got it for Christmas and it had never been opened.


It is very fun to play.  Four people can play at one time.  It is hard though.  The first few games were very quick because someone had already won.  It has been the thing to do at our house.

Even Ella can play

The checker pieces have holes in them so Seth made rings.

Little Repeat

                                  Another game that makes it way out at our house is Candy Land

This is Ella favorite.  She is very good at it.  She wins all the time. 

This is my silly husband.  He was looking over the blog the other day.  He wanted to know why there were no pictures of him.  I was trying to take a picture. This is what I got. 

I think he may be the 2nd funniest person at our house.  Some of you that call my house to speak to me and get to talk to Jeff first know exaclty what I mean.  Love you Sheila!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

You know I love you too! He is hilarious!! One of the highlights of my day is reading your blog! Love it!! Your children are precious!!