"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

N -- E-- W Cars

Buying a new car is hard work and stressful.  Well, maybe not since Garrett, Meme and I all have new cars.  Yep, within a month of each other.  Crazy

First family ride in the new car.  2013 Honda Pilot.

It has been a long time since I had a Honda.  

We have been on the look out for Garrett a vehicle this summer.  I wanted him to have the experience with his permit driving his own vehicle before he was on his own.  Meme and Papa found him this truck and drove up with it.  He was completely blown away.  

First drive with me and the little ones.  I was a little nervous.

A few weeks later, meme finds her car.  She is letting Garrett drive it for the first time.  Yikes.

Doesn't really look like a safe driver.  

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