"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ballet Recital 2013

This girl has the performing down pat.  She knows all about getting ready, waiting in the dressing room, putting on makeup, and who is coming to see her.
This year was a celebration of 20 years for Mrs. Bonita - Magical Memories
Ella's ballet routine was from the movie Tangled.  She doesn't get nervous one bit. 

Her modern routine was from the Lion King - Just Can't Wait to be King


In this picture she is the last one.

First year of ballet
Still the same sweet little face just missing a few teeth
Her spirit just dances.  The music comes on and she begins to spin, twirl, twist, and move. 
May the dance always be in your heart.

The family that always come to support here.
Love them dearly.


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