"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just Because . . .

I had to include this picture.  I am getting so sad but happy at the same time.  She is getting very close to being 5 years old.  How did that happen?  I like this picture.  Her hair is down with no hair bow.  She looks so big with her hair.  This is how she like to wear it now.  She tucks it behind her ear and off she goes.
Lately, she wants to take a bath by herself, dress herself, pick out her own clothes and do things for herself. 

We think this is the same bird from our bird adventure earlier in the week.  He doesn't fly yet.  He has been hopping around in the pineneedles.  He is sitting on the wood.  He is hard to see.

On of Jeff's buddies from work came over to get the garden ready to go.  Guess who was fascinated?  Ella.  She went right outside to watch Freddy (in her pj's).  She asked if she could drive the tractor.  Freddy was so nice to her.  He truly let her drive the entire way.  After she finished, she gave him hugs, said "thanks 100 times, and then came inside and drew him a card.

Okay we have 2 boys at our house as well but the little girl was the one outside with the tractor.

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