"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is a Worldview?

Last year at co-op we started studying Worldview?  I was alittle intimidated at first.  Boy have my eyes been opened.  Now I have a desire to study more and more.  Voddie Bauchaum in his Family Driven Faith book has a whole chapter on Worldview and why we and our children need a worldview.  He seems to think that the reason children walk away from the faith when they are in the college years is due to children living under their parents faith, drive, and guidance when it comes to church and belief.    It is almost like children are saved due to living under their parents grace and mercy.  They don't feel it for themselves.  They don't study it for themselves.  They show up on Sunday for a 20 minute SS lesson, 30 minutes sermon on Sunday, and maybe a 20 minute lesson on Wednesday (if they are lucky).  They are not seeing it, hearing it, living it in their homes.  So when they walk out of their parents door and into the "world" on their own, they choose the world.  Their faith was not the building block -  their parents were.  YIKES!  That is scarey.  I truly believe that God spoke to Seth's heart last year during our Worldview time.  Boy have I learned alot just by studying this together last year and this year.  I have been a church goer all my life.  But can I defend what I believe??  I want my children to be able to defend their faith against this world. 
Last year's book

This year's book
Today's lesson - How to Make a Wise Decision
1.  Ask God First - boy did I need this as a reminder - as an adult we seems to think we can make those fast decisions since we make 100 or more a day anyway
2.  Listen to the Holy Spirit - This takes patiences, being still and spending time with our Father.
3.  Seek Wise Counsel - Even as a wife, mommy and adult - I need to surround myself with people who can give wise counsel - Godly people who follow the 2 above
4.  Choose Christ - in all decisions we need to choose Christ - not this world - Choose God everytime not just when I feels good. Our book gave the story of Mary and Martha - boy did this hit home - I am so Martha but working hard to be Mary

Jeff and I are working to set that example for our children.  Make our decision based on those steps.  I have even tried to share with my children how God's choice is not always what I want, when I want it.  I want them to know when that happens so they will see us living out the Word.

I am taking a class right now that is testing my Worldview greatly.  The boys and I have been discussing my situation daily as I am truly struggling.

This book is also walking us through other Worldviews
By knowing what they believe, I am able to witness and share My God. 

Boy do we have great discussions when we study Worldview.

Okay, pictures to share.

Had bangs cut today.   What am I thinking?

We will see what happens - I may have to find a bobby pin in less than an hour.

My philosophy - hair will grow
If it gets on my nerves, it will grow back.

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