"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, September 17, 2010


S   M   I   L   E
Yesterday at co-op we were challenged to smile.  Why smile?  Because we have a hope we need to share with the world.  I need to smile about the many blessings and trails that God has seen us through.
Things I need to begin to smile about (that sometimes I don't even want to try)

*  unloading the dishwasher for the third time in a week

*  hearing my name called for the 1,000 time that day

*  folding clothes

* changing Seth's sheets once a week

*  vaccumming his room and the house 2 times a week

*  washing dishes after I just stood in the kitchen for 2 hours cooking it

*  hearing the grumble and complaints about the load of school work we have to do

*  my husband wanting 5 minutes of my undivided attention

*  reading the same book for the 10th time in a week

*  asking my son for the 10th time to clean up his sock, underwear, dirty clothes

*  staying on a budget

*  not buying stuff for myself or the kids and having to say NO!

*  my list could go on and on and on but these are the ones I am struggling to SMILE about

I have soo many blessings.  I need to be salt in this world of trouble.  I think smiling will be that salt because so many people have nothing to smile about each and everyday.  As I do the list of things above, I want to reminder the blessing that I am given by doing that task.  I am so priviledged to stay at home and Jeff support us week after week.  We have so much when some people have so little.  I have truly seen those people smile and I wonder how they do it. 

What do you have to smile about today?  DO  TELL!!

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