"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Something New

We have discovered in the heat and humitity that Garrett has curly hair.  Well not curly, curly but seems to have natural curl that has begun to show itself like never before in his life.  He has begun some of the big changes that come with being a "tween". 
So I look at this head and think "What is that?"  We have talks very often about combing your hair.  I have even tried going through the steps of wet, add gel, dry, comb, add more stuff.  Useless at this point.  So the Natural curly that my mom has may have made its way to the next generation.  Garrett

Today was haircut day.  We kindly demanded that he get the stuff cut.  Really Cut
The new haircut.  Jeff got a haircut today as well so I thought it was fitting to take their picture together.  Everyone calls Garrett Little Jeff. 
So what do you think?

Garrett is NOT liking it by the way.  He is not happy but chose to honor his parents and do what we suggested since his hair has gone curly. 
(He may not need a haircut for 6 months or so he says to grow it back out)

I have added some pictures of what Garrett comes up with in his room.  Yesterday he had a friend over and this is what happened upstairs.  Nerf Wars.  AHHHHHH!!!!
Each man has his own barriers to hide behind

Garrett with his protective gear. 

This mess drives me crazy but I let him keep the mess all day.  One hour before the friend was suppose to go home, the mission began.

CLEANUP!!  He even had to find all the bullets and balls from the knee hockey tournament that went on.

I would love for him to be outside but my goodness, you can only stay outside so long before passing out from heat stroke (ha).  So inside he comes.  I have to remind myself too that
 he is not in front of the TV,
he is using his imagination,
he is playing. 
That's what kids are suppose to do.

So something new - a new haircut and mom has to deal with a MESS for a short time as this.  He will one day be big.  I will be asking for messes then.  I Love You Garrett. 

ps  Pray for Seth - he is battling some skin issues and allergies are not helping.  Very miserable and so are his parents that are trying to help and make him better.

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