"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry (The day after) Christmas

AHHH!!  The stress and worry and buying and running is over.  Our house slept late today.  How nice it was.  There is no way I can even write about everything that has happened in the pass two days but I will try to highlight all the fun.  This is a new family time that we started this year.  It is called, "What God wants for Christmas?"  It was alot of fun to share and focus on each of the members in the nativity scene.

Mom and dad always come over on Christmas Eve.  They came around 2:30 and the gift fest began. 

Ella got a "new" room from meme and papa. 

It is such a big girl room.  She has storage, storage and more storage.  She loves it.  Now she has room for all the toys she got for Christmas

Seth also got a "new" room.  Garrett  ended up with new clothes, game and a huge lego set. 

A tradition on Christmas Eve is to open one present, which is new pajamas.  Garrett is sporting his new pair.
Below, is everyone in their new PJ's.  Ella is grumping again because she had to get her picture made.  This is right before everyone says goodnight and off to bed we go.

Christmas 2009

Christmas morning started at 4:45am for me.  Ella was up several times so by 4:45 I decided to just get up.  I love to see the kids faces when they first get out of bed.  Seth was the first one up at 6:30am.  Not to bad.  He woke Garrett up but Ella was not in the mood to wake up then.  She didn't want to come in the room because we said, "Come see what Santa brought you."  She thought Santa was still in the room.  "She didn't want to see Santa", she said.

Stocking time

We finally convinced Ella that it would be okay to come and see.

Noni and Papa always come Christmas Day morning to see what everyone got from Santa. 
So once they arrive, I cooked breakfast for them.  The eating feast for the day begins.
We eat breakfast with them.  We go to my mom's side of the family for lunch and eat again.  Then it is off to Noni and papa's house to eat supper and open presents.

Is she really smiling for a picture?  She was waiting while all the presents were passed out.  She held onto this one present in her lap.

This is the present opening fest that starts at noni and papa's house.  All the 5 grandkids start on "go" and craziness happens for about 15 minutes.  There are a lot of "I love this",  "Thanks", " Just what I wanted".  It is fun to see it all happen.  All the kids open, then all the grownups open once the little ones are gone to play with the toys.

 Christmas is such a joy to watch through the eyes of my children.  The excitment is priceless. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, Thanks so much for sharing your Christmas! I enjoyed the pictures and reading about your day!

Happy NEW year!
