"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent Begins

We started this last year.  You can go here to review It is all about this.  I like to look at the pictures.  My how the children grow. 

So here we are to counting down to Easter.  There are many things in the Bible for 40 days.  Jesus in the wilderness, Israelites wandered for 40 years, the flood for 40 days and nights, and Moses was a shepherd for 40 years.  So 40 days have begun.

It begins with Ash Wednesday.  The ashes from last years palm leaves burning are gathered and placed upon foreheads as a sign of repentance. 

Now we have to choose what to Lent

I posted my idea on the fridge.  Then Garrett joined me.  It was cool to see Garrett's thoughts to his choice.

Yesterdays Countdown to St. Patricks Day included a countdown of Lent

Ella decided to do rings to tear off each day.  WOW!  40 days is alot of days
Seth decided to have a sheet to mark off
Garrett did the same.

So we begin to get excited about the arrival of the Easter season.  We seem to do so much more at Christmas.  Christmas is special since the tiny baby was born as God the Son.

But just within years the story would change.  He came as a Savior, Redeemer, Sacrifice, and Perfect Man.

I want to get excited about My Savior who drug that cross, endured incredible pain, died, and then rose again for Me.  I want to remember each day and I think by observing Lent it will help each of us focus on that. 

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