"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Still Crazy

Okay this is Seth's medicine just for the A.M. 

The big capsule he takes 3 times a day.
He is doing alittle better each day

So today was Garrett's appointment at the Dermatologist
He had to have a blood mole taken off

He was very nervous.  It is hard to see such a big boy cry.  I still knew he needed me.  It was kinda sweet.  He had to have a numbing shot, then the doctor cut it off, then cauterized the spot. 
After trying for over 5 minutes to convience him that he was just scared.  He would be okay.  Finally, making a promise of no school for the rest of the day

a Chick Fil A cookies and cream milkshake
All tears dried up, he held my hand, and we counted  for 5 seconds for the numbing shot to take place.

I looked over at Seth and Ella in the room.  They both were holding there ears.  They knew Garrett was going to scream.  Not sure what is harder - seeing all the surgical stuff and the shot in the doctor's hand or being the patient.

Well in 2 mintues it was all over and we were out the door.

Thank goodness!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yuck...but a milkshake would make me feel better!