"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Tree time

Since we have been in a few stores and all the Christmas trees are up, Ella has been asking, "When can I put up my tree?" 

Friday night, mom and dad came over to our house.  The Christmas tree went up in Ella's room.

I love this picture

What a sweet moment.  The help we need as young children from those who have great wisdom of guidance and help along the way.  This is meme's hand holding the branch while Ella places her ornament so carefully.

How did she get taller than her tree.  Yikes. 

She loves looking at each ornament and placing it so carefully on the tree. 

ps.  she wanted to know once she put up her tree, would Santa be coming??

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