The Years of Garrett since I have had a digital camera. What fun to look at .
Big Brother for the second time - Baby Ella and Garrett - 7 years old
Garrett ( 7 years old) and Seth
1st day of school - 3rd grader
8 years old
His second birth - 8 years old
First of all the hockey games
Garrett's birthday - 9 years old
10 years old
Beginning of 5th grade school year - 11 years old
Beginning of 6th grade school year
Happy 12th Birthday - getting ready for co-op
It was a wonderful day. Garrett was smiling all day long. He was so excited about it being his birthday. We had co-op yesterday. Then he had to deliver his 5 minute speech at Speech and Debate. He even had hockey practice yesterday. He really didn't mind going to co-op. He couldn't believe that he had to give a speech on his birthday but going to hockey practice was on the top of his list. His favorite thing to do and he gets to do it on his birthday. I always give my children their birthday day off. Since co-op was yesterday, I couldn't do that. Needless to say, today is his day off. He is so excited to be able to play his new Xbox all day today.
First time at overnight camp for 5 days - 11 years old
You are an amazing young man. This is the year that you have really changed physically. It is amazing how tall you are. We think you are around 5'8" and weigh about 130 lbs. You are a very smart young man. You love the term "preteen". You amaze us with your thinking and your learning. You enjoy hanging out with your dad. Every chance you get, you want to ride with your dad or go with your dad. You are really trying to find your place - not child but not young adult. You have stayed at home by yourself a few times. You enjoy the responsibility of being able to stay by yourself. You loved being able to hang with buddies on the Disney Cruise. You absolutely love being in the Middle School Youth at church. You have a true passion for family, giving to others and hockey. Since you were very little, the hockey has never faded for once. You amaze me with your knowledge of the game. This has been the year of wanting to sleep late, not make your bed, leave your clothes all over the floor, wear dirty clothes out of the hamper because they are your favorite and not really doing your best but just getting done. You love to hang out with friends. Thank you for being a great kid. Even though we stay on your case many times, you are a great son that is striving to live in this world by the Lord's standards and his calling for your life. We pray for you a life with endless possibilities. Happy 12th.