"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Clara's Tea Party

Another big event with being a cast member in the Nutcracker is Clara's Tea Party.  
This was the best night.  We were invited into the Land of Sweets.  We were able to wear our PJ's.

This was a grand treat since it had been a crazy, busy day.  I was ready for my PJ's and slippers.

 Kelsey and Ella playing in the dress box.
 The gingerbread Ella
 A huge gingerbread house
 What great fun to share with my little lady.

This young lady was Clara this year.  Her name is Sarah Jergel.  What a fabulous young lady.  
From the time the Nutcracker practice begins until the Nutcracker, Sarah is no longer Sarah but Clara.
The big girl are so sweet and patience with the little one.  They really make them feel 
special and important in this big production.

Mom and Ella enjoying our sweet treats and PJ's.

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