"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie Time

Big Week!!  Girl Scout Cookie Time.  We went to pick up Ella's Girl Scout Cookies that she sold on Friday.  Around 140 boxes of cookies. 

Mom and Dad came over to watch Dolphin Tales but instead they helped us sort, tag and bag cookies.  It was fun to see Ella working to help us. 

(Why is there always a pose?)

Mom and Dad brought Bella (their new dog).  Gabby and Bella had never met so we though it was time.

Gentle giant with busy little bee

They ran around and played chase for a very long time.

 They did very well together.  At the end of the night, both of the dogs were exhausted.  I hope they will remember each other next time Bella comes over for a visit.  It was to fun to watch.  Bella is so little she can fit just about anywhere.  Poor Gabby has to move quickly to keep up with her.

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