"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weekend Events

What a crazy Saturday and Sunday we had.  We survived. 

Seth's Pack was in the Unionville Christmas Parade

The bus behind them is just a hoot. 

Ella sang at church Sunday.  Wasn't sure how this was going to go since we are now at a new church.

She did a great job.

Sunday Night we were at home watching a movie and we hear sirens.  This is not unusual for us since the fire department is just a few blocks away from our house.  But this time, the sirens got closer and closer.  Then we see the lights reflecting off our neighbors windows.  We step outside almost scared to look at what was happening in our neighborhood. 

Some to find out

All the firetrucks were decorated.  Santa was wishing us a Merry Christmas.

This was the truck Santa was on.  Music was playing.  It was pretty special.

Even a Christmas tree.  We were all surprised. 

May the Christmas Season begin.

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