"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Decorating for VBS

We started off our day today at church.  Helping decorate for VBS which is two weeks away.  This is when I start getting alittle frazzled.

Ella and Seth decided to entertain themselves with my camera. 

Picture #1 of entertainment

me working on measuring, taping, and cutting paper to fit the rooms

Garrett jumped in and helped paint bushes for the park

Picture #2 of entertainment - this is alittle funny though

picture #3 of entertainment

We had a fun time.  I like to see my kids giving of their time to help at church.  Each one came home with a little green paint that will be permanent reminder of working on their clothes. 
More crazy days to come

S U M M E R !!!!!!!

wE  DiD  It!  aNOthER HomESCHooL YeAR UndeR OuR BEltS

I am so proud of my children.  We have worked really hard this year.  So we are
Done with PreK and onto K
Done with 3rd and onto 4th
Done with 6th and onto 7th

This is what the yellow tag says hanging from the chairs.  Each child has their own tag from their chair they sit at during supper.  I pulled out the summer fun dishes.  I hung the palm tree decorations.

I decorated the table with beach balls, beach pictures, fun brown cloth(sand) and purchased some goodies for our SUMMER FUN BASKET
Books, journals, new pens, pencils, craft projects, outside toys, waterguns, fun snacks, and many different things)

I also made this WELCOME SUMMER banner with each day of the week.  I will put cards in the days as we plan different events.  This will keep everyone from saying "i have nothing to do" 2 days from now.

I am a planner so the summer is beginning to shape up.  We enjoy being at home but I still want them to play and not sit in front of a video game or TV

I have summer goals planned as well
*  Chores
*Reading 20 minutes a day
*Writing in a journal
*Earning TV/Game time by doing workbook pages
*Completing their Character chart

Bring on summer - We are ready

Father-Son Weekend

Jeff and Garrett left Friday around lunch time.  They were off for a very special Father-Son weekend.  Jeff and I had prayed for this time.  Jeff decided to go to the mountains for a camping trip.  Along with camping, the guys were able to zipline the entire campground. 

(We do think Garrett has passed his dad in height but we don't talk about it)

Campground after the stop at the ASU Bookstore for a few goodies

Campsite - I am so glad it was the boys.  Camping is such a guy thing.

Garrett was so excited when he got home.  Jeff did an incredible job getting everything together.  I am so proud of him for taking time to make this event happen.  I am hoping this is one of many times that Garrett will remember his dad leading, guiding and directing him in some grown-up issues.  I am so thankful for a husband who strives to be a Man of God and follow his direction with an incredible example he sets for his boys. 
Sweet memories of this weekend together will forever be sketched in Jeff and my mind.
Growing up happens in a blink - 12 years already have flown by- can't wait to see what the next few years hold. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Garrett and his package

May 23rd had arrived.  Garrett's package was on the truck for delivery.  Who knew that this day could take forever?  Garrett started out the day around 9:00 playing hockey outside hoping to see the UPS truck pull up at our house.

In he came for a break - Out he went again.

We left home around 11:30 for Karate.  He just knew when we returned home there would be a package.  NO package

So lunch, alittle more skating then he decided to pull out a chair and wait.
He wanted ouside in the chair from 3:00 until 5:30.  He heard the truck coming.  As soon as he saw the truck, up he jumped. 
The second picture he is wanting to attack the UPS truck. 
When the UPS guy walked out, we laughed.  We know this guy.  He used to be our old neighbor.  He also has a son who is Garrett's age.  The actually were in the same class one year.  Another fact about the UPS driver is he went to school with Jeff.

Anytime you hear of "this is a small world" just believe it.  Steve, UPS driver, kept wanting to talk to Garrett about how tall he was.  All Garrett wanted was at the package.

Anyone want to guess what is in the box?

New asphalt hockey wheels for his skates
Street hockey here he comes.

Parent Watch Day at Ballet

Ella enjoyed another year of Ballet with Mrs. Bonita.  Tuesday the parents were able to go in to watch.  We were able to video and take pictures.  Some of these pictures are just too sweet.  You can see her sweet ballet hands or her sways.

I am so thankful for cameras.  We are able to capture some sweet memories that will fade very quickly.  I can see myself pulling these out in years to come.  She looks so little to me.  I just grin watching her "ballet".  She loves Mrs. Bonita and has learned so much.

Garden Time

We have almost waited too late to plant our garden.  The week we should have planted was the week we were on the cruise.  We hated to ask our neighbor to be in charge of watering the garden for us.  So, we finally planted everything Saturday.  Ella just LOVES it.  Enjoy the fun of gardening through Ella's eyes.

This is really all she wanted to do- dig in the dirt.  She played and played. 

I hope she will be excited when it comes time to pull the weeds.

Zach and Trisha's Wedding

Ella was so excited about going to the wedding.  The wedding was at 10:00am in the morning.  We had never been to a morning wedding before this one.  She was all smiles.  She asked alot of questions the week before the event.
Why will Trisha live with Zach?
Did you come and live with daddy?
I don't want to get married - I don't want to leave my house
Will Trisha wear her princess dress?
Do you like Zach?  I like Trisha more!
I want someone to get married so I can be the "dropper pedal girl"
There were a thousand WHY questions as well

As Trisha was walking down the isle, she made eye contact with Ella.  Ella was all smiles then.

A recap of the wedding events.  We stayed until the very end.  Ella was able to dance with Trisha.  We blew bubbles and off they went.

Today, Ella said "I miss Trisha and Zach"
This couple is truly a Godly couple who is starting their life with God at the center.  They are a blessing to Jeff and I.  Ella admires both of them as well.

Thanks Trisha and Zach for sharing this day with us.
May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sweet 16!

Most of the time people think of Sweet 16 with turning 16 years old but this is not the case for us. 
No one at our house is close to 16 years old. 
But there is something that is a very sweet 16. 
Jeff and I are celebrating our 16th  Anniversary
It is pretty sweet
We had an amazing year.

It is so nice to share my life with someone that I love hanging out with each day.  I hate to see him go to work but I love when I hear the door unlock.  "DADDY's HOME,"  Ella shouts.

The man truly bring FUN to our home.  He can hang with the boys but has his daughter's heart at the same time.  Last year we were at the beach for a few days together (you can read about there here So Blessed).  This year we seemed to have celebrated quite a few times before this day.

Running in the Cooper River Bridge 10K in April was our anniversary gift to each other.  We had a blast.  I loved having him there with me.  He was such an encouragement those last few miles.  In his kindness, he slowed down to my speed, even walked when I needed to walk.  We enjoyed getting to Charleston at our own pace on Friday.  We ate a few meals together without little people with us.  (This is what you call a different type of anniversary gift.)

Jeff was able to cruise with us this year on the Disney boat.  It was like an anniversary trip.  My mom cruised with us so we had a extra set of hands.  Jeff and I spent time at the pool together and even ran a 5K on the island.  Our stateroom was incredible.  Balcony right outside. 

So even though today seemed pretty normal, we remember all the things we have done lately.  We spent the week looking back.  We watch our wedding video with our children.  I pulled out wedding pictures, honeymoon pictures, shower pictures, and new home pictures.  My wedding dress is hanging in the closet so we pulled out the dress too.  We spent time each night looking back. 

Today I felt like I needed to do something even though we said NO GIFTS.  I found the idea about
Sweet 16.  The 16th wedding anniversary calls for silver holloware.  I knew the perfect gift.  A glass cookie jar.  I wanted a family gift instead of something personal (Jeff has Father's Day and a birthday coming in June so he will be covered).

The kids and I found the cookie jar.  Garrett came up with the idea of Sweet 16 donuts. 

I made a tag for the front with silver ribbon.  Those donuts will last 1 day at this house so I decided to buy some yummy sweet treats to go next in the cookie jar.  Our house LOVES sweets.

This is the board I made for us to remember each day this week.  The tags listed the fun family time each night.  I listed all of those above - video, pictures, family gift, and a devotion on a biblical marriage.

We top our weekend off with a wedding tomorrow.  A couple from our Newly Married/Couples Class (another one of those first for us) is getting married tomorrow.  Teaching a Sunday School class espcially about marriage.  We felt that God delivered us through some tough times.  The least we could do was share what we learned.  A true biblical marriage is truly a blessing if we do it God's way.    Jeff and I have been asked to be the greeters at the reception.  Icing on the cake.  What a way to celebrate your own marriage but to go to a wedding where a new marriage is beginning.  We all need to be reminded of our wedding day.  The feeling we had that day for each other will be fresh on our minds. 

Just a side note - you would not believe how many times I typed weddine for wedding.  My fingers just know how to type weddine.  Haha!  Got to love Weddine for a last name.  
The Weddine's Wedding - Go figure.   

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ahhh! Sunshine, Where Have you Been?

We have been outside all morning.  The sunshine is back.  The weather, for the past 3 days, has been yucky.  Rainy, cold, cloudy.

Today was a new day.  Cool, breezy and SUN!!  This weather even inspired me to run - 2miles at least.

After running, Ella was ready to be outside.  This is the cutest picture.  So little.  The helmet makes me crack up.

She is showing bravery here.  Our neighborhood has a long hill.  She has been very scared to come down the hill unless you are holding on to her.  Her bike, she has learned, has breaks.  She knows how to use them, finally. 

Heading home - almost there
Today is just the beginning of wonderful weather for the weekend.

I love spring.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Picture Day At Ballet

What a difference a year makes.  She has grown so much.  Today was picture day at Ballet.  Ella brought excitment to class today.  Each little one wore their costumes.  Pink everywhere.  She marched right in and waited her turn.  Once it was her turn, she listened so well to Mrs. Bonita. 

The Gardener for The Wizard of Oz Show

After pictures, the parents watched their routine.  It is funny to watch her.  Something comes over her when the music comes on.  She tries so hard to be sure her hands are in the right place, her feet are doing the right thing, and standing in the right place.

Ballet is serious business. 
Can't wait for the recital on June 4th.

Monday, May 16, 2011


This is our 3rd year to homeschool.  I decided to post since Kelly at Kelly's Korner is hosting a Show Us Your Life - Homeschool Ideas.  She is wanting us to be able to share ideas of how we do it or curriculum we use.  I decided to do question and answer post.  These are usually the questions I get asked when others are thinking about Homeschooling.
1.  What does your 4 year old do while you teach the boys?  She is right there with us in the school room.  She colors, writes, draw or paints.  The boys include her in their school work.  One may take a break to play with Ella while I help the other one.  It just works.

2.  What curriculum do you use?  Sonlight mostly for reading.  We use Singapor Math, IEW for writing.  I have introduced Total Language Plus for my older one for reading.  We use Apologia Science.  We do a co-op with the owner's of Apologia Science.  Incredible family

3.  How do you help everyone?  I write out their assignments for the week on an assignment sheet.  When they need me, they ask.  If I know we need to discuss something first, I will put SEE ME on their sheet.

4.  Do you attend a co-op?  Yes.  For the past two years we have done co-op.  We come together for Walk Thru the Bible, Science, Social Studies, and Worldview.

5.  How do I start?  Go to the North Carolina Department of Non-Public Instruction website,  Ask alot of questions to people who are already doing this,  search the web

6.  Do you use one curriculum?  No,  I use Rainbow Resources to order many of our material

7. Do you plan to do this through high school?  yes.  I have always been told - take one year at a time.

8.  The term Homeschooling means?  This term means different things to different families.  Each family does what works for them.  That is the beauty in this.  We do what works for our chidlren.  Our children are not looked at as 1 of 23 children in the class.  Many families decided to homeschool not for academic reasons.  There is more to this than "academics".  We strive for high standards in the academic area but our children are asked to do many other things. 

Homeschooling our children is such a blessing everyday.  We enjoy spending time together.  The thing I noticed as soon as we pulled our children out of school was time.  I was amazed at how much school dicitated our time.  We are free and able to make up our own schedule now.  Love it. 

Homeschool was a calling from God for me to step out of my comfort zone.  Well blessing have come our way over the pass 3 years.  We are 2 weeks away from accomplishing the 2010-2011 year.  Plans are already being made for the next school year

Garrett will be in 7th,  Seth in 4th and Ella will be a big Kindergartener.  Let the fun begin.

Disney Dream 2011

We had a wonderful vacation.  We sailed the Disney Dream May 8-12.  The new boat was very cool.  The technology that is included on this boat is over the top.  The Oceaneer Lab is very interactive.  Jeff was very excited that he was able to go with us this trip.


The Aqua Duck ride was neat how you could see out over the pool deck.  We enjoyed plenty of ice cream cones, unlimited soda and watermelon. 

Thanks for a wonderful vacation Meme.  The children were already trying to schedule the next trip.  Disney Dream I am sure we will return.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Of course, the mom had something up her sleeve.  Crafts - two were so excited, one just participated to make his mom happy.  We made shakers (Maracas) and hats (Sombrero) for our table decorations.
Ella was thrilled.  This girl loves to paint.

Seth enjoys working and crafting.  (The hat never leaves his head these days)

Okay, whatever you say mom!  Garrett doesn't grump or complain because he knows just do it.  It is easier to do what mom asks.  He claims to be a good sport.

Happy Cinco de Mayo - Yummo!
We had Chicken Taquitos - new recipe
black beans
salsa/chips (we went by the mexican place and bought their yummy chips)
cheese dip
Fancy glasses with non-alchoholic Margaritas
festive napkins

Seth's place

We tried new things.  Enjoyed time together.  I think this is the longest supper we have had in a while.  It seems that we sat at the table for 45 minutes or so.

Garrett had football practice so we didn't eat supper until 8:15.  I think everyone was very hungry.  Memories in the making.

So now our thoughts shift to
This amazing vacation:  ahhhh Disney Dream we are coming for ya!

Next week we sail on this new Disney Dream

Who will be the first to try out the slide?  It goes out over the ocean -

The Disney Dream hit the water in January for its 1st trip.  We take the same route we took last year but we can't wait to see the new boat.  Thanks meme for making this happen for us.  Clothes appear in every corner of my house.  Pile here and pile there.  Suitcases come out today. 

Sunshine here we come:  5 glorious days
We really are celebrating big birthdays this year.
Mom - 60
Amy 40
Garrett - 13
Seth - 10 (double digits)
Ella - 5
Happy Early Birthdays to Everyone

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'll Do It

Ella is sleeping on the other end of the couch.  I guess Gabby decided she needed to be the guard dog. ha!  At ballet, Ella has been dancing to the theme song for Clifford.  The beginning of the song goes, "A girl and her dog. . ."  Well that is what I thought when I saw this picture.

Okay here is the new all by myself attitude this girl has.

pouring her own juice

working at the lid

So proud


Ahh!  my heart just swells when I think of this precious little lady.  She was so proud of herself. 

Just Because . . .

I had to include this picture.  I am getting so sad but happy at the same time.  She is getting very close to being 5 years old.  How did that happen?  I like this picture.  Her hair is down with no hair bow.  She looks so big with her hair.  This is how she like to wear it now.  She tucks it behind her ear and off she goes.
Lately, she wants to take a bath by herself, dress herself, pick out her own clothes and do things for herself. 

We think this is the same bird from our bird adventure earlier in the week.  He doesn't fly yet.  He has been hopping around in the pineneedles.  He is sitting on the wood.  He is hard to see.

On of Jeff's buddies from work came over to get the garden ready to go.  Guess who was fascinated?  Ella.  She went right outside to watch Freddy (in her pj's).  She asked if she could drive the tractor.  Freddy was so nice to her.  He truly let her drive the entire way.  After she finished, she gave him hugs, said "thanks 100 times, and then came inside and drew him a card.

Okay we have 2 boys at our house as well but the little girl was the one outside with the tractor.