"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, April 8, 2011

This Weeks Happenings

Our tradition at our house is a tree.  When you start Kindergarten you have the honor of choosing your favorite tree.  We plant the tree and watch it over the years as the child continues in school.  This is Seth's tree.  A Japenese Maple. It is the most beautiful delicate tree.  This is looking out our school room window.  We are able to see it many times a day.  When the afternoon sun shines, this tree looks like it is glowing. 

If you ask Ella about Kindergarten, she will say, " I am starting school work and I get to plant my tree, a purple one"  I just love traditions.

Ella decided to eat chocolate on her bacon.  Really Nutella.  She had a bacon sandwich - bacon, nutella well chocolate she thought, and bacon.

Ella was my buddy in the kitchen.  We made bird nest.

How cute are these.  You follow the recipe for rice krispes expect use chinese noodles.    Then add hershey chocolate eggs.  They are yummy.

This has been test week for us.  Pretty low key.  No bible study.  No co-op.  No running.  Just chilling, playing and loving the weather. 

Since testing is over, we are onto Easter. 

After Easter our eyes are set for these ears.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I LOVE your new blog! It is so pretty! It was fun to "catch up" with you yesterday! I am so happy our friendship has lasted through the years!! Love you sweet friend!