"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Middle School Youth Lock-in and a little Wizard of Oz

Garrett had his first Lock-in at Church Friday night.  He was very excited.  We made him pack a sleeping bag and a pillow just in case.  He already knew he would not be sleeping. 

He is really not happy that I'm taking a picture of him and I brought my camera. 
(For my friend Sheila,  notice the 12 year old still sitting by a sister who is in a car seat.  I'm right there with ya, girl.)

Shutter shades and a handsome boy

After picking Garrett up Saturday morning, Daddy, Ella and Garrett had a date.  It was Ella's turn.

Her ballet studio was offering a pancake breakfast.  Even though Garrett had not slept all night.  Pancake were just fine with him.

Love this picture.  Our family has a rule that we all support the other one.  This was Ella time to shine.

Mrs. Bonita, Ella's Ballet teacher.  Mrs. Bonita was my ballet teacher when I was 3 or 4.  It is just a surreal moment to have a daughter that I can watch doing something that I loved as a child.  I get a glimpse into what I did as a child.  Last year, during the recital I just cried the entire time she was on stage performing.  I was so proud of her.  I love what Mrs. Bonita stands for and teaches these girls from the tender age of 4. 

Dorothy was there too.

This is Ms. Tara.  She is Mrs. Bonita's daughter.  She helps teach Ella's class on Tuesdays. 

So after getting home, Garrett's belly was full so off to sleep he went.  He was so tired that he couldn't think, couldn't process and just looked sick.

I'm glad he is young and can handle staying up all night.

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