"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

There is never a dull moment at our house.  Maybe it is just me that seems to think I can never be idle.  Why is that???  Today is the first day of an online class for me.   I don't like being the student.  It is so hard to be on the other side. 

Well the classes I teach don't begin until Feb. 10.  This class will be over by that time.  Only 4 weeks.  I can do anything for 4 weeks.  The crazy think is :  my cousin is taking the same class.  I can't wait to see her responses to the work we have to do.  Our first assignment was to create an alter ego persona.  This is hard to do.  Here was my post.  (We had to give ourself a name - I put Unlikely because this is unlikely to happen)haha

My Unlikely self stands 5' 5" with very tanned skin. Straight flowing brown hair with bangs tucked behind one ear. Blue eyes are hidden behind big brown sunglasses with a design on the sides of the arm. She is wearning blue jeans with several holes in the knee. Flip Flops reveal pedicured toes (this time with a French Manicure but have been know to go with black polish). Her hands also are very well kept with the same French Manicure to match. She is very left handed to show off her beautiful diamond from her husband. A t-shirt has a fun design with tones of black/grey/white. She has a brilliant white smile with teeth the color of clouds. Outside a sidewalk cafe she'd be drinking coffee from the local coffeeshop next door. Large cup with flavored cream. While sipping the hot brew, she would be playing music on her ipod while posting to her blog, reading a fitness magazine or an inspiring book that would motivate her.

Well the adventure continues.  What else can I add to my plate.  Exercise, reading, running, school for me and the kids, hockey like a mad man, church, getting prepared for camp, getting things for VBS, snow, co-op, trying to keep my new schedule of getting up.  This list could go on for miles but these are the things right on the top of my head.

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