"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Homeschool Day At Our House

Ella is making cards for her grandparents.  It is so great to watch her "get it".  She is beginning to sound out words and write the letters she hears.  She enjoys decorating cards, letters, and pictures.  Sometimes it is just random letters on a sheet of paper.  But this is the first steps in knowing that letters make words.  (By the way, it is probably around 11:00am here.  She loves her pajamas.  She lives in her pajamas.   Even if we have been somewhere and she is dressed, she will come home and put on her PJ's.  This girl loves to be at home)

Seth is taking his Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test.  (The Jesse Tree is behind him)  Fun to read the Line from the Old to New Testament to "get to" Jesus.

Garrett is working on Critial Thinking.  This has been their favorite thing this year.  We just added it to our curriculum this year.  It is short and sweet but they enjoy doing it.  They are working on imagery right now. 

School at home is such a blessing to us.  We enjoy being at home together and interacting together, especially during this Christmas season. We enjoy doing craft projects, reading stories, playing toys and being together.

We are ready for the Christmas Break.  Today is the day.  Off until Jan. 4th.  Yipee.

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