"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our tradition is to open one present on Christmas Eve.  Garrett is remembering what that present is.  Everyone gets new Christmas PJ's.  This is right before everyone went to bed.  Gabby even participated.

Garrett (12), Ella (4), and Seth (9)

This Christmas was the earliest Seth and Garrett have ever gotten up.  5:00 AM.  Crazy - Garrett was up first and went to wake up Seth.  I realize there is a bond between them when they had an agreement between each other.  Who ever woke up first promised to wake the other one up.

Seth with his Nerf Stampede Gun

Seth's Santa presents

He was joking around that he wanted to ask Santa for 1 year supply of cheese balls.  Santa didn't bring a year supply but at least maybe a 3 month supply.

Garrett really didn't ask for certain things from Santa.  He just kinda made a list of things he would like to have.  Santa brought him a laptop.  He is reading his letter.   Santa left a letter that gave him permission to have his own email address

Mom and Garrett setting up the new email

Jeff and I gave him Kinect to go with his Xbox he already had.

Ella woke up at 7:00am.  My favorite part is seeing them for the first time on Christmas morning.  Can you tell she is telling something.  Look at her hand.  One little hand still is holding blankie and Georgie.  Ella got GoGo my walking pup
Baby Alive Changing Time
A cupcake maker

Feeding the baby - Wow is that fun  - She didn't like changing the diaper.

The Christmas spirit was alive in our house on Christmas morning.  Even with the big guy.  I hope that never changes.  Each one was very busy enjoying their goodies but also wanted to share their excitment with their brother or sister.  We heard alot of "Look at this!"  House was a mess, stuff was everyone - but everyone was overjoyed. 

Merry Christmas 2010

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