"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Visit From A Friend

It is always the best time of year when I get to see a lifelong friend.  My friend, Leigh, was in town for Christmas.  Last night her husband, Tony, and daughter, Savana, came by for a visit.  I love hanging out with her.  It is amazing how lifelong friends can just pick up where you left off last time.   Ella took a liking to Leigh and Tony as soon as they walked in the door.  She has meet them before but I think this time will be the first time she will remember them. 

The boys love hanging out with Savana.  It became a Nintendo DSi battle.  Which game to play?  DS download was working so everyone could play the same game.

This is Ella and Savana

What a fun visit.  Just wished we lived closer and got to see each other more than once or twice a year.  I think a Nashville trip will be in order soon.  That way we can spent several days together.

This was the boys of the house before they went to church this morning.                                                           
 Garrett and daddy 

Seth and daddy

The boys of the house.  The Weddine name will live on.  What handsome fellas I have surrounding me.  Each one is such a different flavor.

Seth is 8 Garrett is 11 and Daddy is ???

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