"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Still checking off our "To Do" list

We had a mid-morning appointment to have Christmas pictures made.  This is what the boys looked like.  Where is Ella?  Remember what I said about professional pictures.  She was hiding.  She started at home and it continued.  We didn't get a group picture. 

While waiting for the pictures, we ventured to Learning Express.  This is one of our favorite stores.  We needed to pick up so rubber band things for treat bags.  Seth's birthday party is Saturday.  A friend had given him 2 of the bands a couple of weeks ago.  I had no idea what a "hot" item these were.  When we arrived at the store, people were waiting in line for them.  The store had just received a shipment this morning.  Moms were going crazy. 

This is all they are, Silly bandz.  http://www.sillybandz.com/  You can buy Christmas shapes, Fun shapes, ABC's.  Really I had no idea.  It was crazy.  If I had been really looking for these or shopping for these, the store would have been out.  Since I just thought, " let's go see."  They had them.  I count this as - God showed up today.  He knew this crazy mommy needed a little peace since I had lived through 1 hour of trying to get Ella to have her picture made.

Garrett had a friend over today.  Look how they ate lunch.

Do you see that they each have a Nintendo DS in their hand.   They are versing each other on the same
game.  Did you know that kids can eat and play a handheld game at the same time. 

GRADES ARE IN.  Now I can get paid.  Monthly pay checks are no fun. 

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