"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life is calm . . . at the moment

Well yesterday was a much needed day after the crazy busy weekend.  When Jeff got home at 5:00, his comment was, "everyone looks the same as when I left."  We were out of our pj's but that was about it.  Teeth were brushed and hair was combed.  That was the best we did.  It was nice to be home.  It was dready outside and we were inside.  Terrific.

Well today's envelope was to watch the new Veggie Tales: A Story of Joyful Giving.

If you haven't seen this.  What a treat.  Anything Veggie Tales is great.  The best part is that Garrett, who is 11 will still sit and watch.  He finds great joy and really understands the storyline.  When I was planning the envelopes this year, I just randomly chose stuff to do.  Now looking back, I can see that God was in the plan the whole time.  He wanted us to see "giving" this year.  We started our envelopes with St. Nicholas. Now a week or so later, we visited the story again.  God has an amazing way of showing up.  We have just got to recognize it when he does.  He showed up at our house this morning with this movie. 

The rest of this is just random pictures that I have taken over the course of December so far.  I love silly pictures. 

This is the Ella we see at home.  She doesn't like to have her picture made professionally but look what I can get on my camera. 

Ella was excited because we, the girls, both had on skirts and tights.  It is great having boys and girls at our house. 

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