"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Monday, December 21, 2009

Birthday Celebration continues

Well turning 8 has been a big deal.  I try to only have 1 party but somehow things never turn out that way.  My children end up with a 3 day birthday party.  Today he had two friends from church over to play.  Well Ella was supposed to have someone over a few days ago but she got sick.  So I decided to have her over as well.  What does Garrett do?  Everyone has a friend but him.  Well he invited the sister of one of Seth's friends.  Well what about the other siblings?  I invited them too.  I have 9 children at my house BY MYSELF.  Everyone has called and checked on me.  I know I can be a little crazy at times.  This may be one of those time.  The play day was from 10:00 - 4:30.   They have played hockey, guitar hero, legos, played hide n go seek, roller blades, bicycles, trampoline, ipod really loud, watched the movie UP, and ate nonstop.  I cooked the 1st lunch.  The big kids were still hungry so I cooked some more.  I cleaned up the mess.  Now it is time for  popcorn and movie.  Everyone is below.

1- 2 year old
1- 3 year old
1- 4 year old

 1 - 7 year old
2 - 8 year olds

2 - 11 year olds
1 - 12 year old

TOTAL:  9kids 

Happy Birthday Seth - you mommy is warn out.  Now I have to finish Christmas shopping tonight.  I think I will go by myself. 

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