"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Moving Part 4

The Final Days - Moving Day was July 19th.  These pictures are 2 days before the movers were coming.  The only things left in the house are the big items the movers would be loading to bring to the townhouse.
 The attic - yes big enough for another room - this place was full to the max
Garrett's room

 Family room
 School Room/Dining Room
 Ella's room
Hall bathroom

 Our closet - empty
Chadwyck  goodbye
The townhouse
The incredible sunset we see each night off the back deck

 The family finally sitting down at the end of moving day
We hope to be here about 5 months while the new house is being built.

Camp Paradise for Garrett and Jeff

After being home just a few short days together, it was time for Jeff and Garrett to head to camp.  Last year as a middle schooler
Since Garrett was leaving for camp and when he returned Chadwyck would be packed up, we took everything out of his room except mattress and box springs. 
After returning from camp and hearing the message from Aaron Peters, Christopher and Garrett headed out to evangelize in Christopher's neighborhood which will be our neighbor soon.
What an incredible picture.  I asked myself as he was heading out - do I have enough courage to knock on strangers doors and share the Gospel. These young men are living out "Live Sent"  which is the message being carried out throughout our church.
My the spirit of camp dwell in Garrett's heart long after camp is over.  May he live daily in the hope he believes in his heart and continue to share that with others. 
Stand Strong  Be Bold and Let your actions show the Love you have for the Lord

Moving Part 3

Jeff has a great family friend with a white van.  This was the first weekend out of several weekends that we borrowed the van from Friday night until Sunday night moving more stuff.
In the picture, my car, the white van, and Jeff's parents van is loaded with stuff.

It is funny to say but each of our kids argued to ride in the white van.  Finally Ella was able to take her turn.

The stress free dad planning and organizing the entire move.  ha
That is truly an understatement.

Moving Part 2

13 Days into moving looks like this - a mess
My oh my - really hard to look at now that we are finished.

The house was a wreck

 Boxes were everywhere.  The Dollar General was kind to allow us several times to invade their cardboard box stash..
 While I was at camp and Ella was away, Jeff took all the décor off of her walls.

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 4th

Our traditional July 4th celebration starts in Unionville then head to Noni and Papa's for swim, dinner and fireworks
 The boys have outgrown all the fun in Unionville so Ella and I headed out.
Funnel Cake - yummo
the girl takes her finger and licks the powder sugar
Onto Noni and papas

the big kid on the kiddie slide

 Girl Table
 Boy Table
Nicholas is 2 yo.  This was his first time off the dive.

Action shot.
Fun time with family, friends and the chills to watch fireworks and remember the freedom we have to
live in the  USA.

Chadwyck to Crismark

Having a house on the market is very stressful - 85+ days
So thankful for each step it has taken for us to go from Chadwyck to Crismark
We met with the design center for 4 hours one day.  These are the choices of the house. 
 The lot #350
 Trees are down
Gonna be fun to watch the building happen

More Beach Vacation Pictures

This ropes course got the best of me.  I was very excited to do this until I was on the course ready to take my first step.  I couldn't do it.  When we returned later in the day, I did accomplish one round of 4 beams.  Seth and Ella just buzzed around like "No Fear."

Who doesn't love sun, sand and the beach

The family.  Our kids really didn't take to swimming in the ocean.  They spent lots of time sitting in chairs and chillin'