"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hickory Grove

We had to go to church on Thursday.  When we arrived we saw the +1 board.

These were pictures from the Saturday work day a few weeks back.

Well guess who is a celeb?  Jeff!  He had a picture of him working at HGES. 

 So proud of his work and volunteering.  HGES was his elementary school growing up.  He was so excited to go and help. 

Ella was asked by her favorite choir teacher, Mrs. Meredith, to come to church to make a video.

The video will be shown on the big screen during the choir performance next Sunday.  She was so nervous.  She cried to about 2 hours after I told her that Mrs. Meredith had asked her to help make a special video.  After crying to 2 hours, she questioned me about knowing all the answers to the questions.  She wondered if she would know the right answer.  
 Then she said "what if I can't breath".  Really?  She is 5.  Oh my!  is this what the future will hold for her when she gets nervous.  Well, we pray and talked some more.  The next day she came to me to inform me that she would do the video.  The picture above is after the video.
So off to girl time.  McAllister's, Sweet Frog and a treat.  So proud of her.  Her enthusiasm to sing to the Lord is priceless.  Can't wait to see what the video turns out to be.  May 6th we will know.


Noni and Papa surprised Seth last week and came to TKD.  

He was smiling the entire class. 

He really enjoys TKD.  He comes out soaking wet from sweat.  He works hard.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Joshua Loftis

Yesterday afternoon, Josh went home to be with Jesus.  He was at home, surrounded by his family and is now resting in the arms of the the God he loved.
The family would like to Thank everyone for their faithful and continued prayers.
Please continue to be in prayer for Burt & Gina and Justin & Jordan as they face the days, weeks, and months ahead.  Josh's journey may be complete,  but the family has just started a new one.  And they will need our prayers now as well.
Arrangements are being made and I will share them with you all as soon as I know what they are.
Keep Praying!

This was the message we received on Facebook yesterday and Josh's Caring Bridge site.
Read his full story here
Caringbridge JoshuaLoftis

Our hearts are hurting for this young man who was just 12 years old.  A 7th grader at Piedmont Middle School.  We had several common activities that we did with this family.  The cool thing is we lived in our first neighborhood together.  I remember when this child was born.  Now this family just moved into the neighborhood beside of us.

As we did family devotion this morning, we read some scriptures that reassure us of the place God has prepared for us.  We know the He will come for us one day to be with those who have gone before us.  We know that Josh is completely healed from his cancer.  He is walking and rejoicing in his new body.

We sang :

My Father's House

Building 429  Not Where I Belong

We also sang the New Doxology. 
Reading Scripture and singing praises reminded us that Josh is gone from this earth and we long to be with him one day.
