"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Celebrating 100 Days of School and Losing A Tooth

Last Tuesday, we celebrated the 100th day of school.  I usually just let this day slide on by but decided to really have a day of 100 fun.  We decorated the house, the table and their desk.  (Why I didn't take pictures I'm not sure). 

The kids are making balloon hats to wear during the day. 

After doing 100 exercises and several different "things I can do in 100 seconds", it was time to chill.  Garrett read a 100 days book to the little ones.  This is not something that usually happens at this house.  Each child has a hard time accepting help from the other one.  Each one of our child are very indenpendent and leaders.  So when one decides to take that roll, the others begin to fight the system.  So the picture below is one of those time when I just stop and watch.  AHHH!! They really do love each other.

They are almost sitting on top of each other.  Remember that the kids are 13, 10 and 5.  It is a grand thing when a 13 year old will read a kids book to his siblings. 

We enjoyed making a chocolate cake from scratch.  Yummo!  We even licked the beaters and the bowl.  (Remember when you were little and wanted to lick the beaters after mom cakes).  We had a "not so normal" day to celebrate 100 days.  In homeschooling, this is something we do big.  Accomplishments like this are big deals and we all get to celebrate together. 

On a different day, we are celebrating loosing a 3rd tooth.  This little girl is loosing teeth very fast. Another remarkable thing is she is loosing them out of order.  We lost the bottom two during the summer.  Now the bottom teeth are coming back.  They must need room so the ones beside the two in the middle are loose.  She has been wiggling and wiggling those teeth.  We had a talk about how those bottom teeth do not come out next.  The top ones are the order of things.  Well not with this little one.

On the way to TKD yesterday, she pulled her own tooth going down the road.  She said, "Here mom, it's my tooth".  Ahhh!  Oh!! well, I guess we are loosing them out of order.  Can't wait to see what the dentist says.

Happy 3rd tooth Ella!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things that make me SMILE

When I was 4 or 5, I had a part in my ballet teacher's wedding. My dress looked just like her's. I thought this was a big deal. Many years later, I now know what a big deal it was. The ballet teacher was Mrs. Bonita. Now, Ella takes ballet from Mrs. Bonita.  So it seems just to cool to have my old ballet teacher teaching my daughter. 

Tuesday night, Ella convinced meme that she needed to come to her house to visit.  While Ella was there, we were face timing.(Cool technology by the way)  She told me that meme had found the dress I wore as the miniture bride in Mrs. Bonita's wedding.  I couldn't wait to see it and Ella couldn't wait to put it on to show me.

So here she is in the dress I wore. 

Oh my!! 
God in His goodness gave me a girl so that I could be apart of this moment one day. 
God in His goodness gave me a mom who would keep these precious momentous
for all these years just for this moment. 

Mom thinks that Ella is a little bit bigger and taller than I was since the dress fits just perfect, like almost will not zip in the back.  The bottom is a bit short for Ella.

Just to know that the timing is perfect.  If mom would have waited a few more months, we would have missed this sweet moment.  Ohh! 

Jeff's heart almost melted when he saw her.  My o' my.  These are the moments or gifts that God gives us to stop, slow down, pay attention and enjoy the goodness of His timing and His plan.

Thanks for this moment.
I'm smiling.

The Cooper River Bridge

Cool. Windy. Uphill.
But all together.

We decided after Garrett's game on Saturday to walk 1/2 of the Cooper River Bridge.
Jeff and I had both ran the bridge earlier in the day.  Jeff of course did the whole bridge.  He had 9 miles to run on Saturday.  I ran 3 miles.  I ran to the top of the bridge and back down the same side. 

I wanted the kids to know what we talk about when we say we are running "The Cooper River Bridge"

Seth kept wanting to run.  Did I mention uphill and windy, 25 mph winds?

This is the view from the bridge looking towards Charleston at sunset.

The sweetest thing is seeing Ella hold Jeff's hand. 

This bridge is all, all, all uphill to the top.

 This picture is kinda dark but I love the towers in the background.  Ready to tackle this on March 31, 2012.  This is such a fun race.  I still can't believe that I accomplished 6.2 miles.  Jeff is a great coach. 
The kids were amazed at the size of the structure.  Since we were on the walking/bike path, we could touch the cables.  Incredible.

Miss "Take my picture"

Ahhh!  How pretty.  The sunset was incredible.  The shirts for the race this year have alot of orange.  Now I know why.  This was 1/2 way up the bridge.  1.5 miles to this point.  We didn't hear much complaining.  Did I mention - windy, cold and beginning to get dark.

This picture is looking straight up to the top.  WOW!

The Weddine family made it.
Ella wanted to call meme and noni to tell them she "ran" the Cooper River Bridge. ha!  Too funny.

This was a great time.  Times like this are the time I hope my kids will remember.  Also, say to their kids, I remember when or let's go run the bridge. 

Cooper River Bridge - the 12 weeks of training has begun (for me anyway).  Prayers are being lifted up. 

Lord, help me see you each day that I train.  Bless my quiet time and keep me healthly and well. 
March 31, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Field Trip - Fort Sumter

We have been studying American History this year.  We started with the Civil War.  Since Garrett has a hockey tournament this weekend in Charleston, what a perfect time to visit the historic Fort Sumter.  The boys loaded the ferry.

The girls watched as the boys headed out on the boat
 Heading towards Fort Sumter

This was truly a "guy" trip.  Jeff realized how proud he is to be from the South.  I hope the boys saw history come alive today.

From the loading deck of the building across the water, THE BRIDGE.  Cooper River Bridge is heading our way again in March. 
Jeff and I are running a 10K again. 
Jeff took the picture for inspiration.
Can't wait to tackle 6.2 miles again.
The cool thing is God really showed me so much as I was training for the run.  I am very excited about training and also running.

Bella the dog

Meme and Papa have a new dog.  Thanks for Ella, the new dog came very soon.  Ella was able to go with mom, Regina, and Peggy on New Year's Eve.  Since she was still a "new" dog, mom and dad brought her to our family New Year's supper. 

Bella is a Chorkie.  A Chihuahua and a Yorkie - black - about 2 lbs.  - 12 weeks old?? I think.  She is too cute.

Ella and Garrett playing with Bella

Seth decided to lay on the floor.  Bella would jump and try to bite his hair.  Lots of laughs and giggles.
 Mom bought Bella a little sweater and a pink hairbow. 
 Ella holding her.
Seth trying to hold Bella for picture time

Bella loves to nip at Ella's ponytail. She will jump up and nip.  Ella has decided that Bella has really sharp claws and sharp puppy teeth.

She is too cute.  Bella goes a little crazy when my kids are around her.  Seth loves the fact that Bella can be carried around and picked up.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year

It has been such an enjoyable Christmas and New Years.  We have enjoyed some amazing family time.  The children took breaks from hockey, piano, TKD, scouts, ballet and school.  Incredible.  We have truly enjoyed home, sleeping, playing and just whatever came up.  I feel refreshed.  Ready to tackle all the above things. 

I found this book.  I am reading it on iBooks.  I want a new mind set when it comes to eating, exercise and being fit.  Candace's book pulls in great scriptures to reinforce my mind with things of God and the Bible.

Candance has a new online magazine.  I enjoy the visiting contributors each day.  All women striving to love God through their families and serving at home. 

                                                                        Roo Magazine

 Seth got this game for Christmas, well the Disney version.  Meme bought us this version.  We have laughed and laughed.  By the way, I am no good at this.  Donna Helms is the Hedbanz champion.  If you don't have it, it is worth the money.  You will enjoy some family fun.  It is even good for adults to look ridiculious and laugh.

I have been looking at this book for some time now.  I had this book on my Christmas list.  I am so excited to be reading it.  I truly want to embrace every minute.  Being thankful is all the little blessings God sends my way.  We have been calling this "How does God show off to you?"  The challenge is to write down One Thousand things  or gifts that God gives you daily.   By writing these down, you are giving thanks and then by giving thanks, YOU WILL FIND JOY.

The cool thing is:  I just found an app for my phone to record.  COOL! 

I have been working diligently on my classes for the Spring.  I am trying to learn new technology tricks to add to my courses.  The things that really should take 10 minutes really takes me 3 hours.  I try but really struggle to make it work.  AHHHH! 

We have enjoy these cool things.  iPads are the neatest things. Alll three kids got one from meme and papa for Christmas.  Thanks meme and papa!!!!  We all are passing them around.   Adding new apps, surfing the web, reading facebook and twitter.  Amazing technology.  We love them.

We have officially registed for the Bridge Run.  Training has begun.   6.2 miles is waiting for us.  Ella is so excited that we are running again.  She told me the other day she knew the best babysitter in the world.  MEME!  She's ready for me to run tomorrow.  12 weeks of training - here I come!

This is the view of the starting line.  Very cool experience.  I loved running with Jeff.  Great to set your mind to something and accomplish it.  This is something you have to do on your own.  You are not dependent on anyone else - something just I do and I accomplish.  Very rewarding to cross that line.  Jeff had challenged me to beat my time from last year. 

We have joined a new church.  Love it!  We are so excited to be a part of
Exalting Christ - Making Disciples - Passing the Torch

January 8th the church is starting Year of the Bible.  We will read the entire Bible.  We have a reading plan, online study guides and tools to help us read and learn. 

Another new for us is Just Dance 3.  Want to laugh again as a family?  Then buy this and get your groove on.  Love it. 

Since I don't facebook, I have started to Twitt.  I love it.  My new addition.  If you have an account, let me know.  I would love to follow you. 

Beginning to learn to Pinterest as well.

Well, I have been on the computer, but all the above things have been taking over.  Trying to read my books as well. 

I feel renewed, awaken and ready to tackle the new year with new friends.