Last Tuesday, we celebrated the 100th day of school. I usually just let this day slide on by but decided to really have a day of 100 fun. We decorated the house, the table and their desk. (Why I didn't take pictures I'm not sure).
The kids are making balloon hats to wear during the day.
After doing 100 exercises and several different "things I can do in 100 seconds", it was time to chill. Garrett read a 100 days book to the little ones. This is not something that usually happens at this house. Each child has a hard time accepting help from the other one. Each one of our child are very indenpendent and leaders. So when one decides to take that roll, the others begin to fight the system. So the picture below is one of those time when I just stop and watch. AHHH!! They really do love each other.
They are almost sitting on top of each other. Remember that the kids are 13, 10 and 5. It is a grand thing when a 13 year old will read a kids book to his siblings.
We enjoyed making a chocolate cake from scratch. Yummo! We even licked the beaters and the bowl. (Remember when you were little and wanted to lick the beaters after mom cakes). We had a "not so normal" day to celebrate 100 days. In homeschooling, this is something we do big. Accomplishments like this are big deals and we all get to celebrate together.
On a different day, we are celebrating loosing a 3rd tooth. This little girl is loosing teeth very fast. Another remarkable thing is she is loosing them out of order. We lost the bottom two during the summer. Now the bottom teeth are coming back. They must need room so the ones beside the two in the middle are loose. She has been wiggling and wiggling those teeth. We had a talk about how those bottom teeth do not come out next. The top ones are the order of things. Well not with this little one.
On the way to TKD yesterday, she pulled her own tooth going down the road. She said, "Here mom, it's my tooth". Ahhh! Oh!! well, I guess we are loosing them out of order. Can't wait to see what the dentist says.
Happy 3rd tooth Ella!