I had to add this picture. We are headed out the door to Taekwondo. I couldn't get over how big she looks. We are tyring to persuade her to wear headbands. AHHH!! I never knew it would be such a huge task. Another big first for this spring/summer, flip flops. She will finally wear flip flops.
Our days off have consisted of not much. Yesterday I had several crafts in mind that I wanted them to do. First, was Is. 53:5. Everytime I hear "By His Wounds", I just get really still and listen to the words. I think we take the pain and suffering that Jesus took on our behalf for granted. We make a mistake and just think or may say "I'm Sorry" or "Oops" "I didn't mean to do that". It is so much more than a few little words.
The kids wrote Is 53:5 on their cut out crosses. Then one by one they rolled a mable in a pan that had red paint. As we rolled the marble across each cross we listened to "By His Wounds, We are Healed". It was pretty powerful. I incluced Garrett's picture since I am so blessed that my 12 year old son will still participate in his mom's crafts.
Each of their crosses. It really looks like stripes.
Then onto making the Jelly Bean Prayer bags to give to 2 other people.
There was such team work with Garrett helping Ella. By this time, Jeff had come home for lunch. Jeff was amazed with how Garrett so tenderly and carefully taught his sister and helped her.
The Jerasalem Dinner
I set up the table in the den with pillows to sit. We had grape juice, crackers, cheese, fruit, dates, and nuts. I place the white and red candles at the end of the table to represent Jesus on the cross with the two theives beside him.
The kids were amazed when they came to dinner. They didn't know what was going on with supper tonight. We wanted to remember The Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples on Maundy Thursday.
It was a special night. After cleaning up supper, we all lined up on the couch together. Jeff came and washed our feet as we sat still and quiet. It was a touching moment to see their dad kneeled and so carefully washing our "stinky" feet.
"It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love." John 13:1
Love isn't optional for Christians. They are to be people who love. When they love each other in the self-sacrificing way that Jesus loves, non-Christians see how real Jesus is by the difference he makes in their lives.
I pray that this family is a reflection of that Love. Oh! Let our light shine.