"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15d

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Champs!! - Way to Go

Garrett had 3 playoff game this weekend.  The best part is that we were at home on home ice sleeping in our own beds not a hotel. 
Games started Saturday afternoon.  2 games Saturday
We won and we lost

Then one game Sunday morning - we won
So that gave us a spot in the Champonship game

I like this picture - Garrett is 27 the little guy in front of Garrett is really 2 grades older than Garrett - he is in 8th grade.  Ha

The team we played in the Champonship game - the amazing thing about this team - they have only 7 players - that means they have 2 sitting on the bench then entire game
We have 8 sitting on the bench - we have 3 lines of offense and 2 lines of defense
They have 7 total players - What a team - They play til the buzzer sounds in the 3rd period never giving up
What heart and passion

This is Garrett's coach trying to reach Garrett - this is the little guy's dad from the previous picture he was standing on his tiptoes to put Garrett's medal on - Love it
The coach in the red sweatshirt is laughing

Garrett shaking hands with the other team

How amazing this picture is - what an amazing young man who God is preparing to amazing work for Him in years to come.  We are so proud of you Garrett
You lead your team very well this season.  You are such a leader.  So many of your teammates look up to you.  Thanks for being a young man that stands for what you believe and a great example of being alittle different that everyone else.

Congratulations Pee Wee B
You worked very hard

Love the sweaty heads, smiles and the feeling of teamwork that comes with these pictures

One more weekend of hockey with this group
Washington DC here we come

Would love to have 1 more medal to finish this year

This team finished with a silver medal in the skills competition on Saturday night as well

Thanks for all the family and friends that came and supported us this weekend.  I think the grandparents are going broke paying Garrett for his goals.

We are so proud of you Garrett!
Mom and Dad

Random pictures from the past week

This is Ella getting ready to go to Mason's birthday party  - I thought her braids were very cute

Ella and Mason - She has this thing about not looking at the camera

Ella likes to hang this on the door when she is taking a bath - YIKES - she calls it a girl bath
I wonder if they make these for Mom's when they are taking a bath or even taking a potty break - It seems that I have disturbances all the time

Ella having a tea party with her dolls

Ella with a friend from the ice rink her came home with us for a playdate with Seth

Seth and Jack - They both had on the same sweatshirt

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chick Fil A - We Love You

We say a few days ago where Chick Fil A was introducing the dip or squeeze ketchup.  How cool.  Today, Seth had a doctor appointment.  We jumped on the opportunity to eat out for lunch.  Where did we pick?
CHICKFILA of course

We were so excited over ketchup. 

Garrett showing off his new ketchup pack from Chick Fil A

We usually have to grap 20 ketchups packs for all of us to use.  Today, the kids counted -  only 5 for all of us. We enjoyed dipping.  No squirting or getting it all over us.  Pretty cool

Ella showing off her waffle fry.

So much for trying to eat healthy like I posted yesterday.  All deals were off, nuggets, fries and soda.
Ready to run tomorrow.

We love you ketchup Chick Fil A

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How will you Run the Race?

So the race is fastly appoaching!  I am beginning to fill it.  What have I done?  I have been doing lots of things
*  following the training program
* not giving up when my legs are hurting so bad
*  drinking water

* eating 3 complete meals

* eating somewhat healthy foods

*  wearing the right clothes for cold weather but now the beautiful sunshine weather (it's still chilly)

*  getting the weather update from my trusty weather man, My husband
*  watching the wind and trying to run just at the right time

I am seeing success - I am surviving - I am stronger - I am doing it
Longest run so far 4.2 miles - 45 minutes

So it just so happens that our worldview lesson is on the same topic
God has perfect timing by the way

So this is our verse
"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus"  Phil 3:14

So the five strategies we have discussed in winning the race
1.  Keep your eyes on the prize
reminds me of the disciples in the boat - Matt 14: 22-31 
Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and he began to sink

We need to have "cross eyes"

2.  Believe that God keeps his promises
Is 41:13 "I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, Don't be afraid.  I will help you."

3.  Keep doing what you know to do
Training for anything worthwhile is never easy.  It's hard work.  God calls us to do hard.
1 thess 5:16 calls us to "be joyful always".  The joy of the Lord is our strength, we won't last long without it.

4.  Learn from your mistakes
God wants us to admit our mistakes, accept responsibility for our actions (not blaming others), confess sin and learn from mistakes 1 John 1:8-9
Phil 3:12-13  Paul says, "I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect.  But Christ has taken hold of me.  So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize ... I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead."

5.  Stay on Course and run with purpose

The road is narrow but the path leads to eternal life. 

I am



We are running this race of life towards a prize that will last forever (1 Cor 9:25)

I keep my eyes focused on God as I meet the challenge to run each day.  I'm praying, remembering and reciting verses. 
Thank you God for your wonderful lessons you provide just for me when I need them.  Amen

So what race are you running?
losing weight
the marriage race
raising children
letting God win your time and not the world
minstry of some sort

I would love to hear your race story - we can truly encourage others and pray for the strength to finish the race strong

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Field Trip

We went to see Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Olivia.  They have a second set of boxer puppies.  No comments
Just enjoy all the puppies - 8 of them

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Seth had a busy weekend.  His boy scout troop went roller skating.  He had a great time.

Then Sunday he had a birthday party at Monkey Joe's.  He is a funny boy.

Seth and I got to spend a lot of time together this weekend.  It is nice sometimes to have the children one on one.  I finally get to hear just them.  The car rides were fun.  We talked and talked.  He is a great boy.

Happy Valentine's Day

We celebrated our Valentine's Day on Friday night.  The boys had hockey tonight and I started my first night of classes for the next twelve Modays.  I decided to eat by candlelight.  The kids were amazed.

BBQ chicken, baked potatoes, and salad

Seth enjoying his supper

Garrett is such a great sport.  He joins right in.  No questions asked.  Each one had a red glow stick to wear.
He is 12 right. 

Ella was so excited.  She thought the whole night was so cool

Ella even wore her Valentine's pj's to supper.  Ha

The greatest command God gave us: 
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you mind, and with all your soul.  What a loving God we serve.  Sending his only Son for us.
His Love is written in red.
Thank you Jesus for your love.